
My youngest nephew (he’s 4) had my sister take a video of him dressed as Elsa and singing “Let It Go” and it is THE CUTEST. I love that my nephews have female heroes they admire, and that my sister and her husband absolutely encourage that.

I am hiring for my team in London and have great hopes for the interviewee on Monday and I have my citizenship interview on Thursday with the hubby wish me luck! Am strangely nervous.

Today Big Foot and I had the absolute best day- we found a new place to eat which sits next to a little touristy/craft shop. While there she became very excited about a gift for her program lead “Mr. Ernie” so yes, we did in fact buy the man “glass bacon”. It literally is what you think it might be. We have giggled

We just got the materials for the 2018 high school mock trial competition! I am a coach for a local little high school mock trial team and two years ago we placed third in the state (300+ teams in competition) so we’re good! These kids give me hope and happiness.

After being laid off earlier this year, I’ve been struggling with low confidence and imposter syndrome, but I got a really nice Christmas bonus, so I’ll get to start regrowing my savings! Not being worried about being homeless if I’m laid off again is going to do wonders for my anxiety.

I think this might be the best summer ever! I had an amazing week with work, friends, relaxation, great weather, and food.

My program received a $25k grant from NASA for STEM programming which means we have funds to take our students on an Alaska cruise this summer as a capstone experience to view glaciers and Alaskan wildlife! So excited (and nervous but mostly excited)

My adoption of my daughter became official this past Thursday. My husband adopted her, too. It was pretty fucking awesome. I worked so hard to get her back. So many years. Feels good as hell, y’all.

I was bar tending a local party and met a guy who audits on behalf of the environment. He’s working in Asia right now because the political climate in this country is so...lacking, but he’s optimistic that when “that guy” is out of office, funding should swing back around for something well needed as keeping an eye on

I don’t know about hopeful, but the deer invasion of the nature park where I take my daily-ish walks is making me feel all kinds of warm and fuzzy. I’m guessing they’ve taken refuge there during hunting season because I’ve never seen deer in these kinds of numbers before outside of a petting zoo. The park staff left

That robotics competition sounds awesome.

I’d been feeling down about women in my industry (law) for a while, and then a few weeks ago I went to a women in litigation conference and there were so many awesome women doing so much awesome work, and it really re-energized me!

Hopeful... not sure if it counts but i am about to take action against my union for failure to represent, which stems from them not taking action when the company i work for violated labour laws against me for 8 months, 6 of which i was not paid as they refused to let return to work after medical leave.

Taking my kiddo to my company Christmas party on Friday. Hoping we have a good time, or at the very least find something to giggle about over hot chocolates afterward.

Not being broke in December for the first time in my life ever is amazing. I bought all the gifts, delivered them, and bills are paid. There’s money in savings. The world may be crashing, but at least I’m doing okay. Trying to hold on that it can get better.

My hometown Christmas Parade was nice.

Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.

Right now, CNN and MSNBC are focusing ALL their attention and coverage on the Flynn plea deal, when they should be focusing on the Tax scam that is millimeters away from passing in the senate, when they are doing sloppy adjustments to it as we speak.

Fuck Twitter. Fuck Twitter so much.

Kushner has the look of someone who blankly stares at the wall whenever no one else is in the room.