
yea the reason author couldn’t enjoy bachelorette party is because she’s the type of person to write an article like this.

I had to stop reading halfway through. Why do we have to fucking dissect everything? Some people want to go have a crazy weekend, others want quiet and fun, others want nothing at all. Who cares? NOT EVERYTHING IS A MAJOR FEMINIST ISSUE.

We were talking about Hirano and how wildly unethical his behaviour was. You don’t make public statements on the treatment of a patient you have never seen and whose case you haven’t reviewed. He did a lot of damage with his God complex.

It’s also been used by a few people as an example of why government-funded healthcare is a bad idea, which I just can’t deal with.

The couple said they had wanted to give Charlie a real chance of getting better and that a “whole lot of time has been wasted.”

Unfortunately, it sounds like they’re blaming GOSH for not being able to start the experimental treatment earlier when, by most accounts the treatment wouldn’t have been able to help no matter when he received it.

I’m a parent and fully understand the emotional want to do what they can. However the asshole pragmatic in me knows this treatment would at best be tilting at windmills and would do nothing to help Charlie. Best to let the lad pass on in his own time surrounded by family.

“ the Sand Snakes have consistently been some of the most interesting and compelling characters on the show,”

“[T]he Sand Snakes have consistently been some of the most interesting and compelling characters on the show...” This has to be among the most ridiculous things I have ever seen posted on this site.

Wait, you like the Sandsnakes? I always thought they were the weakest part of the show- very one note, weird dialogue (“but you need the bad pussy!”) that doesn’t flow like anyone else’s lines, a plot that makes very little sense (so the people of Dorne are just going to entirely abandon House Martell and allow

Why is no one talking about the real victim here? Poor Melissa McCarthy has to go back to being just a regular old movie star now. Sad!

Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality

Conspiracy theories exist because dumb people like to feel smart.

I just saw a large segment about this with Auntie Rachel, and it is truly a trip to Crazytown. Apparently, part of the problem is that the lawyers Cheeto Hitler was able to hire are not Washington constitutional scholars, since all of the big DC firms bounced him when his people came sniffing around looking for

If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide and are in the US, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. They are open 24/7.

Six children. The poor family.

I am still dying over this. I’ve totally done this.

If John McCain has brain cancer, then what will the rest of the GOP be diagnosed with?

Counterpoint: Nobody’s really there for the movie.