
We need to call this what it is: intentionally sabatoging the health insurance of potentially millions of Americans because the GOP is still committed to hating Obama at any cost. He is not “letting” anything fail. The GOP already orchestrated the lack of choice/high premiums debacle by passing an amendment to the ACA

I just don’t understand why scientists try to continue to interfere with God’s plan for Charlie.

While millions of refugee children/children of immigrants/etc. get ripped away from their parents and/or denied access to a country and healthcare that could *actually* help them. Fuck everything.

Naaaah. A bullet in the head was too good for those guys. Really. As she says, they killed a pregnant woman and slaughtered their host’s guests.

It was a good thing. Just following orders has always been a shit excuse. That said, I assume Arya won’t just get off scot free for her little revenge tour. Patience.

It effects women, and something people desperate to feel superior to other people can hook their misogyny on, so they are going to be outraged that the women (brides, bridesmaids, flower girls - likely some of these folks bought all the dresses from them) are spending money on something they dont value.

I don’t think we should be criticizing women who spend what they want on their wedding. Personally, I don’t get it myself but I spend in other, equally silly ways. The point is, many women were left in the lurch and potentially out thousands of dollars. Regardless of how you personally feel about wedding dresses, do

Uhh thousands? Plus it takes up to months to get a wedding dress in. These brides are likely now going to have to buy off the rack which depending on their size, could be near impossible. They may not have much of a choice.

It was better than Legion...

Once again: Read the Snopes article

it’s unproven and a wikipedia page can be written about anything. Don’t trust any of this. This is noted in the article.

Don’t get excited. Nothing is going to come of this (that will negatively affect Trump). We could get a full video of them visiting SVR headquarters for afternoon tea and nothing would come of it. Clearly the Republican controlled gov’t don’t give a shit...

Because as far as the latest reports I’ve seen on it go, he either does, or at least is still suspected to, feel pain... and his condition is a painful one.

Because his brain is so damaged that he’d have zero quality of life. That brain damage is irreversible.

Because even the doctor heading up the experimental

That’s some dystopian nanny state creepiness, *even if* I agree that it’s not in the child’s best interest. It’s not my child, or the British government’s child.

It’s just gotten to the point that news like this just depresses me. It’s just another reminder of the kind of thing that’s supposed to obviously matter, but that obviously isn’t going to.

Glad these 2 found each other and saved the rest of us.

One has to wonder what kind of level of horror will have to happen in order to get gun control? I really thought a class of murdered children should have swayed gun advocates, but sadly even that wasn’t enough. Even worse there were actually morons saying it didn’t even happen. I feel terrible for the victims in this

But... you still don’t know her dog.

Eh. My mom got the sweetest dog at the shelter about a year and a half ago, and eventually he turned into a growler and a biter and a dog with food aggression. Through multiple trainers and boardings, she’s finally looking to re-home him. It really does happen.