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    My grandma gave my boyfriend her ring last Christmas Eve and then my bf and I went in together to get it sized and change the center stone from an emerald to a sapphire. I agree with you that you should be a part of choosing such an important piece of jewelry, if that's what you want.

    Jane the Virgin is hilarious!

    I'm so sorry. Having a complicated relationship with your dad just makes the grieving process more complicated too. Take care of yourself physically by getting plenty of sleep, food, and exercise. Lean on your people. Grief can be weird, so just let yourself feel your feelings.

    I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my sister 23 years ago and I still miss her too. I know what you mean about how time can seem both long and short.

    The answer depends on what kind of person you are. Some people thrive on risk and novelty, while others enjoy peace and consistency. Based on the way you phrased the question, you seem like the first kind of person. You are young and even if your first plan doesn't work out, you'll have time for Plan B, C, or D.

    Almost done with the first season of The 100. It's a cheesy CW show, but also fun sci-fi. Binge watching ftw!

    Good call on dumping that guy. He sounds lame.

    If it makes you feel better, the inside is probably not as nice. All the frats I've been in are super utilitarian except for a few nice rooms on the main floor. And the basements look like a good place for murder.

    Do you have a doctor or someone you trust you can talk to? There has to be somewhere you can go besides a shelter.

    Being over 30 is not that bad. Your perception has probably been warped because you are living with someone attracted to teenagers. You should start planning a way to support yourself, whether by going to school or starting a new career. Surround yourself with people who care about you and make you happy. Start a new

    If you are a real person, please consult a psychiatrist.

    I'm on episode 11. I love all the musical numbers: Pinot Noir, Daddy's Boy, and of course the amazing intro song.

    My favorite part of the theme song is when the guy throws his arms out and yells, "It's a miracle!"


    Help with what? If she feels the same way, ask her our on a second date and have a blast! Try not to over think this.

    Congrats! So exciting!!! Care to describe?

    People lie a lot online too. If your main concern is not going to jail, you should probably just leave the girl alone and try to forget about it. And don't get that drunk again to avoid raping people in the future.

    Not sure if this is real, but you should at least apologize to this girl and check on her. Though she may not want to hear from you. I'm glad you have a conscience, but if you're really a rapist you deserve to feel bad and go to jail.

    Dude, four years is no big deal. He passes the half your age plus seven rule. Enjoy and don't over think.

    So unsubtle. Just buy a ticket to a different, not R rated movie and sneak in. If you're in a small group and dressed unobtrusively this plan will not fail. If you are a girl. My brother got caught when I told him my trick, but he was over six feet tall and way too noticeable to pull it off.