
Jezebel staff often writes articles that investigate social issues complexly, and that’s why I’ve been a long time reader. Given that the OP has 22 replies, most of which are negative, it appears they were referring to Jezebel as a whole community: not just staff, but the commenters included.

I don’t doubt that you roll your eyes at people regardless of gender, but studies have proven that women face far more interruptions, passive aggression, and dismissive body language when they speak, regardless of the veracity of what is being said--and this comes from men, women, and non-binary people alike.

I don’t doubt that Kellyanne Conway experiences sexism, every woman experiences sexism, but this is obviously more of her bullshit. She invalidates her own point by claiming that sexism is a lazy excuse when Hillary Clinton points it out, and then claims that Hillary would never get sexist treatment from the media??

I completely agree and I’m glad we had this interaction. You seem very intelligent and compassionate, we need more people like that in the world pushing back against all the unnecessary dickery.

Yeah, I have a lot of friends who are on the spectrum and have worked as an aide for some children who were, and I thought the same thing- which is part of why I believe Pence was completely disregarding him and barely even looked at him. These guys are nazis and autism spectrum people were among the abused disabled

This is such a uniquely male privilege. Not only does the kid have to follow him around asking him for an apology, but he barely looks even glances at the kid and immediately looks away. It also really seemed like he knew that child was following him the whole time.

This is hilarious

The U.S precedent is running for two terms, my pal

Fuck Vin Diesel, I vote Terry Crews

James Comey definitely deserved to be President Hillary Clinton

Or Pink? Or blue? Or purple? I would love that.

Grey hair is gorgeous and I look forward to rocking grey if I’m lucky enough to reach the age where it starts growing in.

I absolutely believe that you can think your intentions are pure and good and necessary and end up causing real damage, anyway. I don’t believe the podcasters were malicious, but I do believe that the podcast itself was an exploitative violation. We live in a complicated world. I believe in Restorative Justice- we can

I probably wasn’t clear enough and should have had paragraph separation between ideas. In that one regard, the article wasn’t accurate, but when I said “reviewers” I wasn’t referring to this article in particular, but a trend among many reviews I have read that paints Hannah as an unsymapthetic, unlikable villian,

This article isn’t perfectly accurate. While she is alive, Hannah does confront a few of the people that abused her, but they either ignore her or continue the abuse. So, she did give them a chance to make amends. The writers of 13 Reasons Why certainly crafted the show to try to make teens take responsibility for how

If you can, let your neice know that sometimes abusers will accuse their victim of abuse. That does not mean she deserves the abuse or the bullying, the abuser is just projecting. It is very likely the abuser is modelling abusive behavior that they have either witnessed, or experienced, at the hands of someone they

Actually, that notice sounds perfect. It doesn’t say “forbid the show” it doesn’t say “this show is bad”, it says “here is what this show is about, here are talking points suggested by experts that will help you talk to your teenager about it, here are resources if it seems to trigger depression or suicidal ideation

Weird that Katy Perry says “Don’t mistake kindness for weakness” when she has repeatedly been an asshole to people for no reason. She reminds me of Madonna in that way, they’re constantly making stupid, mean jokes at other people’s expense, but since they’re surrounded by yes-people, they never get called out for it.

This sketch was perfect. I’m excited to see more of Anna Drezen and Sudi Green’s works. do they go about their daily lives??