
Mhmm, it is really not lost on me that the woman whose teaching credentials are doubted by “young Sheldon” is black, nor that the other character’s reactions indicate they think he’s right. Not to mention the show doesn’t seem to be acknowledging that his behaviors are bullying, but rather that they’re “harsh truths”

The Jessica Beil response was definitely funny and I fully support couples hooking up with other couples

It’s almost like progressive people can still have a lot of internalized misogyny they aren’t done unpacking...hmmm

Sounds like it was a great interview, I look forward to listening to the whole thing. you’re saying he’s a pleasant human being...different than the negative snap judgments the internet makes about everyone around Swift? This... is blowing... my mind.

lmao, I am not inclined to trust ANY of them, but I would definitely go with Mika’s word over KAC’s any day

I’m in that complicated position I often end up in because I agree with you 100% but I also agree with Mitchum 100%. All of what you say is true, but I also believe that you don’t have to spend any time trying to educate people like McCullough if you don’t want to, and Mitchum can, and both of your time will be

“We can critique whom we love.”

It’s really nice to talk with people who care about the impact of their words.

Absolutely! I wasn’t trying to correct you for anything you said, by the way, just continuing the conversation about some of those complexities.

Yeah, absolutely. People with mental illnesses are far more likely to be abused than to abuse, but the fact remains that sometimes victims replicate the behavior of their abusers. What sucks is that the mentally ill and/or neurodivergent will be treated far worse and isolated for the same behaviors as neurotypical

You’re absolutely right, and everyone attacking you is just proving your point.

The “what if it were a white person”, “what if it were a man”, “what if it were a rich person” arguments never work and are never logically sound because they completely ignore the cultural context and power paradigms of both present and historical society. Men are seen as the “default” human being, they are the

This is a great article. Your writing is incredibly illustrative and logical. The long history of ableist abuse in the mental health industry against women in particular is a really important, often ignored, subject.

People are being such dicks to you and only proving your point about mental health stigma, I’m so sorry they’re doing that. You absolutely do not deserve to be treated as “toxic” unless you are abusing or bullying people, and it is clear here that people have jumped to harsh, inaccurate assumptions about you based

You’re wrong and clearly just digging your heels into that wrongness since evidence and new information did nothing to change your mind. Boy, bye.

She didn’t diagnose anyone. She did however, use her expertise in the integrative field of Gender Studies (which includes Psychology and Sociology) to describe a behavioral phenomenon in our society- which she absolutely has the ability to do, and do credibly.

No and No.

Yep. One of the main ways Rape Apologists blame victims is by claiming that they are seeking “attention”, “fame”, or “money”- well Taylor has more than enough of that. The other one, and this will be especially dangerous though, is to attack their credibility- build the case that they are “crazy”, that they have “made

I heard people calling “Bon Appetit” an “eating out” anthem and then listened to it. She says “boy” repeatedly. If she wanted this to be an anthem she should have changed those lyrics so that queer women could rock out to it. Especially since we’re far more likely to do that than straight men...