
These issues are always really complicated. I understand that friends/the podcasters were genuinely concerned about Simmons’ health and safety, but when someone sets firm boundaries and clearly has shied away from the public eye, broadcasting their personal issues publicly is an enormous violation. I don’t think they

Yep. I have to admit, I listened to that podcast and regretted it very soon. The pitch was that Simmons had gone “missing”- I thought he was really in danger and people were trying to find him. Turned out he has just become more of a hermit and wants to keep to himself. So what a fucking nightmare it must be for 

I agree with most of what this therapist says, but have a few disagreements.

Thank you for sharing this!!! The demonization and re-victimization of abuse survivors, including children, and especially (queer, female, and/or disabled) black children is almost completely ignored.

Let’s be clear here, if you watched news programs on television, you would be uninformed.

You don’t get to say you’d rather have Trump in office than Hillary and then call other people “Trumpian”. That’s not how that works.

Phantom Thieves, please steal Jeff Sessions distorted heart.

Yet in my experience it’s always mediocre white men calling others mediocre. You know, projection, and all that.

You’re right, that’s fair! Men aren’t usually referred to as “creatures” sexually and/or romantically like women are, but that could definitely be a choice to queer gender normative relationships!

With you here 100%, I just said this in another comment. I LOVE Ever Since New York, it sounds so simple but is deceptively complex and layered, which is GREAT songwriting. But other than that, Sign of the Times starts strong but loses steam, and “Sweet Creature” has some good parts, but the very name of the song

Ever Since New York is a great song with many layers of meaning, Sign of the Times is a good song, but not a great song, it starts really strong but goes on too long and weakens around the middle and end, and Sweet Creature is mostly good except for every time he sings the words “Sweet Creature”, which kind of ruins

But why is he arguing with his pupper? Bad Harry! Bad!

Most of the song is really good, but both the word “creature” to describe a woman, and the sound of him singing “sweet creature” each time, really grates.

Your joke was bad, you seem to acknowledge that. You can simply apologize, rather than make excuses. I do believe people who trivialize PTSD and mock people’s PTSD symptoms are Trump-level bullies, but I am also willing and able to view people complexly: you can fuck up and acknowledge that fuck up and then I’m over

That’s the same defense Trump uses, hence proving my point.

As far as I’m concerned, people who trivialize PTSD are Trump-level bullies, mocking and belittling the disabled.

This is so gross and just seems like one of those ludicrous and demeaning pick-up artist strategies, you know, actively announcing “I don’t date celebrities” like some kind of neg to attract celebrities. I hope it fails.

I agree completely. I did seek to express this in my comment, but I realize it’s more subtext than directly stated. The assumption that one’s perspective is not just more important than others, but more valid than scientific and expert analysis, is almost always particular to white men.

I feel compassion for Scheff, he’s a survivor, and clearly part of this project was dealing with his own trauma. At the same time, experts told him he would cause damage to people at risk of suicide, yet he is surprised people are upset he didn’t use their public health advice. Personally, I muted the screen and

Only a man could be surprised people don’t like his choices.