It is a win because he will no longer have a paid position of power from which he can sexually exploit women. He still has wealth, he still has straight christian white male privilege, but he cannot harm female coworkers if he isn’t a worker, too. It encourages women who are being sexually harassed to speak up, that…
I really wish you showed Kara the same empathy you’re requesting for Dolezal. RD is white, but whiteness did not protect her from severe abuse from other white people, that is true, but that is still different from being black. Kara is black, she experiences abuse specifically BECAUSE she is black, just like all black…
So, what I get from this, is white people can sue each other for being “rude”, but if you’re black and/or disabled and a victim of violence, you’ll be shut up for “overreacting”.
Still creepy
You do a good job of sounding creepy yourself by using phrases like “pop tart” to refer to young women....
Because people never get sexually abused by their step parents?
Huma doesn’t owe anyone a damn thing, but yeah, if she is going to publish a memoir that investigates the politics and the personal, particularly for a person involved in high level politics in multiple personal ways, it will be better if it is unflinchingly honest.
I disagree with the premise that Taylor could have changed the election, as well as the idea that she is either a Trump supporter or a cowardly Hillary supporter. The situation is more complex than just those few options.
There is no right way to be a woman, especially since people will condemn you no matter what you do.
Too bad you don’t get to disagree with the truth.
The point is that the first one is an impermanent statement. Saying “I don’t wear make up” is a fact if you ever don’t wear make up and it’s a fair statement to say if you rarely ever do. “I don’t” is different than “I never”
That is a factual statement: She doesn’t wear make up. There is a thing called language where words have meaning. I do not wear make up. Sometimes I do wear make up. Both statements are true. I NEVER wear make up and NEVER will, is completely different from someone saying “I don’t wear make up” who then wears make up…
The public is widely misinformed, you’re making an ad populum argument to defend yourself, which is a logical fallacy.
Yeah, I think Kara is brilliant and she is spot on 90% of the time, but she still feeds into a lot of implicit biases against other women and I’d like for her to become more aware of that and challenge her initial reactions and desire to condemn.
Look, you’re projecting onto her. Expressing her personal feelings behind her personal choice does NOT mean she is saying that women who wear more make up than her are all hiding and inauthentic, that’s just how SHE felt.
I don’t say this to call you out, but you’re projecting a lot onto Alicia. She didn’t say she would NEVER wear make up again, or that people who wear more make up than her are shills for the partiarchy. She made a personal choice about her body and now she is being attacked for it- that’s the life of a woman. You like…
You’re misinformed.
The problem is she never said she NEVER wears make up, people are projecting a whole ton of shit on her
Even if she WAS 100% make up free, she would still be attacked by people claiming she is wearing some secretly, or that somehow her choice means less because she has clear skin. Damned if you do damned if you don’t