
It’s almost like different people can....feel differently!!!!!

I hate the “your love was hand made for somebody like me”. Yes, you’re right Ed, women exist to please you and our sexuality isn’t ours, it’s really for you. Well done, mate.

He’s definitely likable. Talented and seems mostly chill, though “Don’t” was a completely entitled and unnecessary takedown of Ellie Goulding.

The lyrics are objectifying and full of male entitlement. The music is pretty fun. It’s a hell of a lot better than Blurred Lines...but Ed Sheeran is still the “Nice Guy” with a guitar.

Yet Colbert still invites him on his shows to pal around like friendly competitors, completely pretending that men like O’Reilly aren’t doing real harm.

I completely agree. There is a giant chasm between hating someone and liking them, though. I simply don’t hate her anymore, hate takes energy. From what I’ve read in passing recently is she has made efforts to do better, and still fucks up, but apologizes for it now. That doesn’t earn her love or fandom or credit from

To be fair, that is 90% of the internet....and the real world.

She’s gotten better about them, and I just know so many people, personally or in the public eye, who refuse to ever take responsibility for the impact of their words/actions, regardless of intent, that I’m just more appreciative these days of people who apologize.

I used to really hate Lena Dunham, but I don’t anymore. She seems more self-aware now, and she keeps fucking up, but these days she apologizes for it instead of dismissing everything as a personal attack. Since a lot of wealthy white women look up to her, she sets a good example for them by owning the damage she has

I agree that most non-profit organizations have the same internal problems with bigotry and bias as the outside world they’re working within, in fact, I’ve worked for many and have yet to find a single one where people were not competitive, sexist, ableist, and/or racist. Not every individual member, but for the most

Look, it’s really hard to talk about this, and it seems like so many are eager to say the wrong things or create narratives that appeal to them.

I’m not talking about hurt feelings I’m talking about systemic oppression and contributing to unconscious biases that specifically undermine ALL women, not just wealthy white racist ones.

Megyn Kelly is a horrible person. Racist, homophobic, transphobic, filled with internalized sexism. Criticize her specifically for those damaging behaviors. Using a “seductive” photoshoot to mock and portray her as unserious is blatant misogyny and slut-shaming. I don’t say this to defend her personally, fuck her, but

I love them so much. I miss Carrie so much.

I love this. Well said.

You make zero valid points, here.

No, it’s not reasonable to ask people to dance around rapists for money.

No, it’s not reasonable to ask women to wear tiny dresses and dance around a rapist who specifically targets women who look like they do.

Fuck off. Women’s sexuality is not a joke. Bisexual women face more violence than any other sexual orientation, and lesbians face an undue amount of cruelty as well. talking about it like it is a “hip or cool” thing that people glom onto like a fashion statement is exactly one of the heteronormative attitudes that

Some of these women identify as bisexual or queer. By calling this a list of lesbians, you’re adding to bisexual erasure, which is a real problem, because bisexual/queer women face more violence than any other sexual orientation, and are discriminated against by both gay and straight people alike.