
Um. This was rape. Nothing any lawyer says can make that not true, it is clear cut. Secondly, of course it was racially motivated, because who the fuck knows what a “Ku Klux Klan” song is? Third, yes, he was targeted for being “vulnerable” and that vulnerability is intersectional: he is both black and disabled. Black

You are smart and correct and I’m sorry people are attacking you for standing up for what you know is right.

There’s a nuance here that tons of people are missing. Margaret Cho had this conversation months ago, it was over the internet, and it is very difficult to read tone. Cho probably deals with whitesplainers all the time and she doesn’t know Tilda personally, so even if Tilda’s intentions were 100% pure and friendly,

......sooooooo I really need for this to not be a movie about middle-class blonde white women in danger in a “brown” global south country...because, you know, racism and xenophobia literally puts latinx people in danger...and as much as I know I haven’t seen this movie (nor do I plan on seeing it), and it could very

Fuck Pipelines

I wish you the best in life, which is why I demand that you listen to Lemonade immediately.

You don’t need to be a Beyonce fan to love Lemondade- though it will likely turn you into one. I highly recommend watching the album movie, but if you can’t, the music is still excellent and worth just listening to the album straight through, over and over.

Like I said in my posts, this is still unclear because it is, after all, gossip. So it’s very difficult for any of us to know the facts.

The Kim tapes didn’t prove Taylor lied. She always objected to the line “I made that bitch famous”, that was the only line we ever heard her complain about. Kanye only told her about the line “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex.” She said, “That’s like a compliment, kind of...” but the line he follows it

Scarborough made this segment to distract us from the fact that none of them should have the jobs they want, including him.

You can and should write POC characters. If you do some research on line, plenty of writers of color have advice to give to prevent whitewashing. As long as you do your research and avoid stereotypes (or subvert stereotypes), you’re good, and that should be true for any character you write. Know that you’ll never make

There is a huge difference between the most privileged in society patting themselves on the back for basic decency, and oppressed people patting themselves on the back not only for surviving a world determined to harm them, but for fighting back against that system. Women patting each other and themselves on the back

I just want to add that some of these liberal white men, do beat and/or rape women, but use their liberalism as a shield to claim that “those bitches are crazy” when they ever get confronted for abuse.

Nope. Not happening. She’s collaborating with Drake, but that doesn’t mean her album will be Hip Hop or R&B, just like collaborating with Kendrick didn’t kickstart her activist rap career. Truth is none of us have a clue what her new music will sound like, but at least we’re debating and speculating about her work as

It can be, and is, both. Victims victimize each other. Victims with relative power victimize those with less privilege. That’s a scary truth, but it’s there. Women can have internalized sexism and also be sexist towards other women., and they often are. It’s not just straight cis white men who perpetuate their power,

He is truly a horrific human being. He posted a single video on his show daily, for weeks on end, of ONE black man saying he wants to kill white people, and kept saying: This is Obama’s agenda, he hired these men to harass white people and win the election. It was literally ONE man, who never actually killed any white

Never used Cranberry Juice for a UTI, but whenever I have my period I drink the purest, bitterest, cranberry juice available and feel like the Queen of Blood. So I don’t know about any health benefits, but becoming the leader of a Monarchy is definitely a perk.

So is a Modelizer someone who Womanizes Models specifically? Or someone who idolizes Models? Why wouldn’t they just be called Womanizers? Or is it creepier than that, like a dude who constantly hangs around models, trying to hit on them? Never heard it before, wondering if there are people more familiar with that who