
When I was looking for Beyonce’s performance online, I watched the Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood opening monologue. It was really bizarre, came across like Larry the Cable Guy- an incredibly wealthy person performing lower-class country caricature in order to exploit that demographic. Though, if either of them

For a moment I thought you wrote “Satan is 100% white” and I was like: That’s a Megyn Kelly message I can get behind.

Rape is primarily used as punishment just by the nature of what it is: Punishment for saying “No” to someone who feels entitled to you. That’s why it is so fundamentally dehumanizing.

As an abuse survivor that had to run away to survive, I really appreciate the lyric “The bravest thing I ever did was run.” Leaving is incredibly scary and is sometimes harder (and more dangerous) than staying (abusers, whether it’s parent or partner, punish you for leaving). Abusers and their supporters (and they

I’ve seen some awful Green Party activists on twitter, but I’ve also experienced awful Democratic Party elected officials, so all I can really say to that is: people are people, no group will ever be perfect, because no human is perfect, and no system we create will ever completely eliminate people’s worst

It’s obviously really important that Hillary Clinton needs to be elected and Donald Trump needs to be defeated, and I can say that, and vote for Hillary Clinton, and still support 3rd parties and specifically the platform of the Green Party.

Going to have a slightly different take here: Amy Schumer and her friends looking ridiculous in a fan-video of “Formation”, a music video Beyonce produced and performed a good thing, PARTICULARLY because it is released on TIDAL.

This is how toxic male entitlement is, a man feels safe sexually assaulting a much younger woman, surrounded by body guards and cameras, and then sues HER just for speaking up about it. Even with the highest end security team, our bodies are still treated like public property.

I approve!

Are you deliberately spreading falsehoods, or are you one of those people who insists on being both aggressively opinionated and uninformed? The Police investigated and said it was very likely Jackie was victimized in some way that night, they just weren’t able to find out the whole story. They believe her, they just

Honestly if Hillary just repeats some of the statements Donald Trump made last night, she would kill.

Hmm, yeah, he may have been being a dick. Just from what I’ve witnessed, guys 5'5" and above tend not to have too much trouble from people, but guys 5'3" and below seem to be bullied a lot and have more trouble dating (though too often they overcompensate for that by becoming jerks). There’s always exceptions, of

Seems pretty clear he was joking. Unless Phil Collins is a very short man, then he was being a dick.

So fucking horrible. His fucking comment is all wrong too, no, Weiner, your texts weren’t “fliratious” they were “predatory”. Even if she was intentionally flirting, she is a child, she is allowed to feel however she feels, but as an adult he should not have participated. Disgusting.

The people who care enough would show up, especially if we extend voting to two-weeks long, weekends and nights, and overall make them more accessible to people other than wealthy and middle-class able-bodied white people.

3rd parties are important and we should support them as well as work on changing how voting works in this country. We should eliminate the ability to split the vote, not by eliminating 3rd parties, but by having “Finalist Votes” or something like it. For example, if Democrat, Republican, Green, and Libertarian became

Honestly think it’s because she’s a woman, women and women of color comics get heckled more often, including more call-outs about what is and is not appropriate to joke about...meanwhile many of these same people will defend freedom of speech and anti-political correctness any time a man says something.

For anyone who plans on doing the same thing (and she might have done this, I didn’t watch the video) ANY time you want group participation, or an audience, to disclose by standing, or a show of hands, that they’re a survivor of assault, rape, and/or abuse, state EXPLICITLY beforehand that if anyone is uncomfortable

The most energetic I’ve ever seen Ben Carson is when he’s trying to silence a woman. How about that! Katty Kay’s tweet is perfect.

Just going to point out that yes, children’s teachers can and do get sexually harassed, because they still have bosses and co-workers that they spend time around. They also sometimes get it from parents of kids.