
People get so easily worked up over things that really have to impact on their lives. It's a walkway so just keep moving. 

My immediate thought too.  That sounds glorious!

Wait, there’s a road that doesn’t allow any trucks... including pickups? Hell, I want More of those!

No, he’s to blame. His parents are probably somewhat of a problem as well. But he’s the guy who chose to coal roll these cyclists. He’s the guy that hit them with his truck.

The fact is, we all knew kids like this in high school. It pisses me off when something like this happens and people will say shit like, “we all did stupid things when we were kids, too.” Yeah, we did, but I don’t remember doing malicious, anti-social, homicidal stupid things. Even at 16, I had a conscience and some

As absurd as it is to say - I actually feel like this is in some ways not as bad. Simply because he didn’t, apparently, actually intend to hit the cyclists and he stayed at the scene. He was being an aggressive dick and clearly trying to intimidate the cyclists - but that woman in Washington purposefully ran down a

There should be consequences for the his parents as well.  (I’m assuming a 16 yr old didn’t buy the truck himself).  I highly doubt the 16-yr old made the modifications to the truck to roll coal, so this is just passed down behavior for the parents at this point.  

A 3rd world country would allow the people to punish him. 

This kid needs a baseball bat to the knees.

If you’re old enough/judged responsible enough to drive a vehicle on public roads, you’re old enough/responsible enough to face adult charges for vehicular crimes.

Its simply too expensive and has too short a range to justify that price tag, no matter how nice it looks or is.

Well that’s just terrible because the E is one of the nicest of the new generation of retro models I’ve ever seen.  

It’s a joke, don’t overanalyze it.

Hate to be that guy, but it’s not a campaign, it’s a bored social media guy making a joke.

Google “requirements for living in a civilized society”. Good luck with life, bro.

No sparky bits in a Diesel though...
But hot damn, you’re right!

Oh no! I enjoy murdering puppies! Should I have to pay a hefty fine because some people are worried about murdering puppies!? Fuck outta here with this bullshit. If people want to murder puppies then let them murder them. I get it everyone has an opinion but for fucks sake take yours and shove it up your ass.”

Should I have to pay a hefty fine

I think they should fine The Discovery Channel one billion dollars for making terrible television and being such a failure to humanity.

Good. The trucks should be crushed and molded into the shape of a Prius.