
The Europeans have dropped the “New European Driving Cycle” in favour of the “Worldwide Light-vehicle Testing Programme”. Japan are in the process of adopting the “Worldwide Light-vehicle Testing Programme”.

Cars of the people, while being car centric, was so very historical and culturally loaded...I've re watched that more than any top gear

James May has so many great videos of him just doing fun stuff.

Just don’t try to fly a Cybertruck over Serbia.

Sir this is a Wendy’s

..and what middle eastern country did you grow up in?

Or H to H (home to hangar)

Well, given that the Germans DON’T own the Alsace, and VW DOES own Bugatti, that makes no sense.

Enough about the BMW X7, can we get back to the tractor now?

Not factory and not a car, but still...

You must not be familiar with the Internet.

Don’t you think it would be more interesting if you were to actually try and talk to the folks that own these cars and get some stories out of it, rather than just speculate? 

Has anyone actually looked at the current PSA offerings.

uBlock Origin is your friend.  Get it.

I think they should be proud that nobody is confusing them for an Infiniti.

We really could do with more of that French work ethic here, rather than insisting that Americans should work themselves into an early grave as part of a rigged economic system that they will never win in.

I don’t think he mentioned it, but pretty much every new offering from BMW is ugly-as-sin, and he’s right...they just keep getting uglier and uglier.

We’ll all be dead by then according to my cult leader spiritual adviser.

Consider your nonsense there. Don’t be an asshole who looks to blame victims, or excuses dangerous drivers. This is squarely on drivers, as numerous road studies have shown. Here in NJ we have laws that crosswalks that are unsignaled mean the pedestrian gets the right of way. If I’m in the crosswalk as the driver

Jalops: Save the manuals!