And yet, we didn’t get to split the prize money. I wanted my 1/3 of a cent! Maybe even a whole cent if we only split it among Obama voters. I EARNED it dammit
And yet, we didn’t get to split the prize money. I wanted my 1/3 of a cent! Maybe even a whole cent if we only split it among Obama voters. I EARNED it dammit
Oh it’s one of the reasons I can’t stand to look at him. I was very glad during the debates that most of the shots are close-ups, just so I don’t have to see his poorly-tied tie. Blech.
“both major parties would immediately work to adopt as many of the policies they were trumpeting,”
History shows that they’ll adopt as few of the policies the third party supported.
And since at least one of these parties will still control Congress, the third-party president will find themselves adopting many…
Maddox’s murderer has not been sentenced yet. Simply convicted of first-degree murder. The 25 years is the New York state minimum for that crime, but it could go up to life without parole.
I suspect the delivery was made this way so the Iranians could boost their own foreign currency reserves, which states rely on to help shore up their exchange rates, and protect banking liabilities to other nations.
Foreign currency reserves are best kept as cold hard cash.
With sanctions they couldn’t just go out and…
If you look at the “glory years” of any sport’s history, it’s always an era where a handful of teams dominate. For most fans, greatness is more interesting than parity; always has been, always will be.
This notion where each NBA team needs “The Man” to build around is a complete misunderstanding of how Michael Jordan’s teams operated. Yes, he led the team, but he was also a psychopath, more than any other player ever.
“Do you like to know the endings to movies before you even start watching them?”
I love how the person behind Joan just casually steps over her dismembered corpse. Gotta get to work!
It’s only “identity politics” if someone else does it. White men have been trucking on little but identity politics since forever.
Being white means that you have more promise than someone just like you but non-white, because there are fewer hurdles to slow you down.
If you change them out between women, you can go through a box real quick and not even come more than once.
Yes. This. This is also why during the infamous wedding night with Ramsay and Sansa, the camera fixated on Theon watching. He was full of rage and shame, but he kept watching. And so did we.
Pundits should know better. They’re on-air for a few minutes a night, but that doesn’t mean they only work a few minutes a night.
It isn’t necessarily greed. If you’re doing a great job and getting paid less than the next guy over, who’s doing a ho-hum job, most people’s sense of fairness will be triggered. So they will seek to rectify that unfairness, either by negotiating higher pay, or finding employment elsewhere.
Especially since when you look at how businesses are run... there are governments run that way. We call them dictatorships.
They’d still vote for him. For once he’d actually be telling it like it is.
You can’t reason someone out of an opinion they didn’t reason themselves into.
Personally, I find an exact parallel in faulty risk assessment between the “get a gun for safety even though it’s actually less safe” crowd and the anti-vaccine movement. Each is as difficult as the other to bring back into reality.