
Honestly, men generally do fine listening to non-verbal cues... when we like what they’re saying. We selectively “un-listen” to the cues that aren’t telling us what we want to hear. Granted, men aren’t alone in this; it’s a human trait. But in scenarios like this, it’s the men doing the “un-listening,” so their

Old-time views on courtship also involve the man pushing as far as he can, not taking “no” for an answer. These views hold that short of using brutal force, any way into the castle is at his disposal, and if the lady doesn’t fend them all off *she* is the one who failed.

I do agree that such views are incompatible

And nevermind that they aren’t remotely overpaid.

Not voting may have the intent of “none of the above,” but it has the impact of “any of the above.”

I took Arctic seriously but not literally.

It isn’t about being stupid. It’s about being in thrall to ideology.

Conservatives aren’t stupid, they’re so radical that they see it as a point of pride that their belief cannot be shaken by mere reality.

Sure, everyone lives in denial now and again. But healthy people balance it with accepting reality.

Lynching is terrorism. This bar owner advocates terrorism. Period.

White supremacy is the use of any excuse whatsoever to make sure the conversation stays focused on something that makes non-whites feel guilty, instead of focusing on something that makes whites feel guilty, or fear they might have to feel guilty.

Because if non-whites can make whites feel guilty, then non-whites are

those fucking vuvuzuelas.

“So at what point can he be charged for making terroristic threats?”

At the point when he’s not a Republican in a state run by Republicans. Party over country is their mantra. Loyalty over law is their motto.

It isn’t politically correct to say this, but the Republican Party poses a greater threat to the United

Couldn’t they make the rule something simple, like: “Any player eligible for an All-Star team must be in the top-20 league-wide, or have the highest total on their team, in one of the major statistical categories.”

And in case people want to vote in legends who are starting to tail off: Also eligible is any player

I don’t understand what the threat even is. Even if Comey told the president “You’re not under investigation,” guess what : The police have no obligation to be honest to suspects. They don’t even have to tell you they’re a cop.

The thing is, he can’t quiet the talk, so he’s trying to steer the conversation his way. Classic manipulative technique.

It’s in the Yankees by-laws that a player must get a hummer under the bleachers by the bullpen before they can wear the 7.

Last year, Rush renewed his contract. The previous one had been for some $50 million a year, plus a huge signing bonus. This one was for so little that neither he nor Clear Channel mentioned the amount on air. In fact, Rush merely mentioned it and moved on instead of crowing like he did with his previous contract.

Yeah my dad passed away early during the Bush years, and was a lifelong Republican, though not socially conservative. Me and my family do wonder if he would have resisted jumping into the radical/reactionary boat.

That said, after he passed, my mom watched Fox News constantly for a few years. I was worried she’d slip

Fox News has maybe an eighth of the audience of Rush Limbaugh alone. The top ten radio shows in America are all right-wing talk radio, except for All Things Considered. The advertising dollars follow.

Fox News gets more TV play because it’s on TV, and because it’s in New York and in “the game,” etc.... but talk radio

They aren’t imbeciles. They are so desperate to cling to power that they’ve gleefully hitched their wagon to a total degenerate who promises to let them have it again.

But it’s not like the increasing progressive majority in this country is going to stop being progressive... in fact, in reaction to conservative laws,

I doubt this will happen. Given the school’s laissez-faire attitude toward bullying, it probably is a feature of the entire school district, and thus the town/county as well.

“‘who the fuck makes fun of curly hair?” It doesn’t matter what they’re making fun of you for. The point is to instill a sense of dominance over you, so they’ll pick anything and everything to hurt you, just to show that they can do it.