
Not to mention: Criminals go after each other *knowing* that the other guy has a gun, and knowing that the other guy is expecting an attack. So you think they’re gonna be afraid of taking you by surprise because you *might* have a gun? Let’s use some common sense, people.

Yes. You should not leave a loaded gun anywhere you’d leave a plugged-in power tool.

And if your situation is so unsafe that you actually need a loaded gun ready... then I shouldn’t be bringing my kids around in the first place.

You wouldn’t take your kids there if they left power tools plugged in and laying around, would you?

I just got my hair styled from all the WHOOSH in the comment section.

Precisely. Responding to insults with violence (or threatened violence) is the sign of an uncivilized person, unfit for modern society. Off to prison.

It’s FOMO. Not so much that your life sucks, but that you’re afraid you’re missing out on better, and this other schmuck’s got the edge on you. And he’s *sputter* getting away with it!

Not to mention how the MRA view women as passive targets. If these fellas weren’t so self-centered, they might find out just how much effort women have to make just to get with a man they like. How much worry they go through before they even give it a shot. If it looks easy to you, it’s because you treat her like an

“early on Wednesday, he released a statement in which he admitted to drug and alcohol problems”

When an event occurs, the first reports are full of inaccuracies that are eventually corrected. Conspiracy theorists latch onto these initial mistakes as the “real truth”.

Yeah but people who come for a few months aren’t really immigrants. They’re visitors. And to be honest, half the reason why lots of English-speaking people visit places and don’t learn any of the local language is because the locals keep speaking to them in English, because they want to practice their English. I’ve

Your family’s trajectory is completely normal. You can generally tell just from the accent how long ago someone’s ancestors came here.

Not to mention, adults are biologically handicapped when it comes to adopting new languages. Our brains aren’t built for it. That’s why, for all but a lucky few, it takes years of intense focused study to even get more than a survival usage. And when you’re busy as a new immigrant putting food on the table, when are

I understood the person as saying that women can do any job... and have the right to relax (because they aren’t at such a high risk of being raped)

“The war on miscarriage completely boggles me.” It’s a logical consequence of treating zygotes and fetuses as full-fledged people. Not to mention what others have said: Most people don’t realize how common miscarriages are—- up to 50% of pregnancies fail by miscarriage, most so early the woman doesn’t even realize she

Probably he had a probationary period mandated by the contract between the PD and the police union. This has the useful benefit of preventing summary firings and firings because the boss doesn’t like you, at the cost of letting people stay on a bit long in cases like this.

Yup. It’s a natural impulse to want to do in a fellow like this. But some natural impulses are best left unfollowed. Like the ones this defendant is charged with following.

“What does a rapist seem like?” We have this image of prowlers lurking in the night, but most rapists are ordinary men who know their victims. So, sadly, a rapist seems like pretty much any guy you might run into. And if one in four women undergo rape (not to mention the men who do), how many rapists are there among

Popular music ever since, well, ever, has involved a division of labor between singers and songwriters. To the point that people who do both are called “singer-songwriters”. The concept of “cover” doesn’t really exist. A few genres go the other way: Rock and rap notably. Jazz and blues are in between: It’s normal to

Exactly. His life didn’t matter. Hence the hashtag. If all lives actually mattered, there wouldn’t be all these protests.