
Yup. It’s a natural impulse to want to do in a fellow like this. But some natural impulses are best left unfollowed. Like the ones this defendant is charged with following.

“What does a rapist seem like?” We have this image of prowlers lurking in the night, but most rapists are ordinary men who know their victims. So, sadly, a rapist seems like pretty much any guy you might run into. And if one in four women undergo rape (not to mention the men who do), how many rapists are there among

Popular music ever since, well, ever, has involved a division of labor between singers and songwriters. To the point that people who do both are called “singer-songwriters”. The concept of “cover” doesn’t really exist. A few genres go the other way: Rock and rap notably. Jazz and blues are in between: It’s normal to

Exactly. His life didn’t matter. Hence the hashtag. If all lives actually mattered, there wouldn’t be all these protests.

Recall that there are two un-’s in English: The “reversal” meaning, which attaches to verbs, and the “not” meaning, which attaches to adjectives, adverbs, and participles.

The classic ambiguous example is unlockable: Something unlockable is able to be unlocked (unlock+able) or it is unable to be locked (un+lockable).


Congresspeople spend most of their time fundraising.

Yeah, interrupt a bunch of drunk people. That always ends well

Pedantic linguistic adjustment for the peanut gallery: “what happened” isn’t passive, but it is agentless, so it could be nobody’s fault.

Wait, did I just say “peanut gallery?”

He probably loves America just fine, and is saying these things because it pushes people’s buttons. A troll in real life.

That said, while legal authorities might not be able to “do anything,” we Americans can be quite the violently sensitive bunch, and we have a penchant for taking justice into our own hands. So the

How is the US supposed to start winning them, then?

Yeah I realized the pun after I had clicked “publish”!

...and these will be the leaders in our society, after employers see “Fraternity” in their resume. Because meritocracy is for dreamers and dreamers are suckers.

“But that’s how they treat sluts, not good girls like me.”


People have been trying to rationalize their choice in sport since there was sport. It isn’t necessarily sexist, mind you. But there is no *rational* reason why people prefer one sport to another. It’s all a matter of taste.

As for “watching the best,” tell that to the millions of college and high school sports fans.

“they have a huge opportunity cost of playing international ball.” Um, no—- they get their full pay, barely miss any club matches (except the US who plays weird schedules), and the selection to the national squad immensely boosts their profile and earning potential.

The US men do miss club matches, if they play in the

Most people who suffered horrible things and say they got through it “just fine” didn’t... they merely survived and lowered the bar of what “just fine” means to them.

Nah, in a Feast for Crows you can’t go three pages without someone telling someone else how it’s a bad idea for women to be out traveling these days. “She won’t be a maiden for long,” that sort of thing.

The substitution number wasn’t a concern. Quite simply, it was the old, outdated, walk-it-off attitude, like we see in other sports where substitutions are unlimited.

The first one would have noticed something, been believed, and they all would have gotten out safe, high-fiving each other.

You know what? I'd bet that some guys did notice, too but they didn't notice until after the women had been dismissed as crazy, so they kept mum lest they be lumped in with the ladies.