
The clue is not on the mountain. It is the sun and the moon

"The author insists that grammar has to be logically consistent"

When we try to impose our own sense of logic and beauty to language, we close our eyes to the logic and beauty it already has.

No word on when my rights stop....

What if *she* was the sidepiece?

Nah, a lot of couples look like they could be brother and sister, even if they aren't related at all. Especially the higher up the socio-economic ladder you go.

Yeah—- it's true that there will always be rapists... but the real question is: What do the rest of us do about them?

That stats thing though is bewildering. I had friends over to watch the World Cup final, and one of them, a big sports fan, was quiet for the first 4o minutes... then he said, "Where... where are the stats?" He literally couldn't really grasp or follow what was happening without the stats to provide the "context".

"school administration tends to oscillate between "totally useless" and "obsessively controlling over petty shit."

When we hear about it, yes, but the rest of the time, it's in between.

Don't worry! The same guy will face trial next summer for threatening and harassing Rehtaeh's father...Sure, distributing rape porn got him nothing. But I'd bet a loonie that harassing a man will land him time.

Ah... lots of reasons.

First, the project would be too vast to get going before it got swatted down. The Continental federations' members are the individual national federations. These federations don't just manage the national teams, but also the professional and amateur leagues, from the millionaires at the top to

You don't ask, you vote them out. But if you don't vote, they don't even have to pander to you, much less obey.

The system isn't broken. It's the predictable result of people not voting.

Mr Clark is simply wrong about the dearth of civilian aircraft gone missing over the ocean. It's rarer these days, of course, but civil aircraft have been going down without a trace as long as there's been civil aircraft.

Lost without trace
1938 Hawaii Clipper, Pacific, 13 souls

Thanks! I'm nominalize :D

Ding! Ding! Ding! Nail on the head.

To be fair, the English language isn't really a thing that one can blame. But you can blame English speakers of centuries ago, although there was no decision-making process involved... this usage simply emerged.

It would be awesome if there were a specific new pronoun precisely for this usage. Especially for

"One" is typically reserved for what we call 'generic' sentences, which describe tendencies or habits, rather than individual episodes or events. In common (American) speech, we use you in the place of one, not they.

For instance, if you/one found an umbrella laying/lying around, you/one could say Someone has left

Singular they is brilliant! Even calling it a 'gender-neutral' pronoun doesn't capture its brilliance. Because we don't just use it for that, but only in a subset of such cases. Not only is its referent gender-neutral, but it their identity isn't known at all.

Take for example: Someone left their umbrella. We

If the vote on Wednesday goes a certain way, there'll be two English-speaking nations calling soccer "football"...

disenfranchised people are still people, alas.

And considering the outcomes of other similar cases, such a message will be all the more poignant once the hacker is serving twenty years in a federal penitentiary.