
NerdRage-gasm, forgive me. No I still disagree - again I dislike the characters from Kingdom Hearts because I feel it to be an overrated game but the character of Sora himself fits brilliantly with the character roster currently available in every Smash Bros game. Aesthetics aside he would play somewhere inbetween a

Wait, what? Sora doesn't fit the universe? Sorry Smash Bros god - explain that one? I don't want Sora to be in the game solely for the fact that I hate the game Kingdom Hearts but I won't let that bias interfere with how stupid your reasoning as to why Sora doesn't work in the game.

Thanks BFF <3

Really? I haven't noticed too much of it in poster design or illustration lately, and I guess these are the greatest examples of how good it can be but they're not that bad. Saffron City is great.

Are you talking about the "flat" thing we're seeing in user interface design? Because this style of illustration has been around forever. Lots of travel posters were done like this. Traditionally in Gouache.

My Playstation 3 Finally bit the dust for the last time exactly 3 weeks before this game came out. I have no urge to buy a new/preowned PS3 because, well, the PS4 is coming out - but I very badly want to grab this and play it. Fuck me.

I played my Pokemon Red a few years back as it was still in my dusty Gameboy color I found in the bottom of a box.

Let me tell you this, not being able to run and waiting forever to get a bike - is fucking painful.

Holy fuck.

You JUST watched Kill bill vol 1? That came out a decade ago.

On a positive note, they're There will be a third.

I'm oddly attracted to this...

No love for the Frenzy Barb?

Have you tried Diablo 2? Its a tad dated graphically but the game is insane.

Its moreso the satisfaction of leveling up, unlocking more skills, becoming stronger and using better items that make games like this more fun. Grinding is simply the effort required to unlock those achievements - when the game introduced co-operative play and online play, there's obviously a competition and bragging

Diablo 1 and 2 stole my childhood. After 4 or 6 hours of off and on playtime broken up over the course of 4 months I finally beat Diablo 3. I share the same amount of disappointment with BestInSlot. The game was a tremendous let down for me. The cutscenes were pretty but from a dungeon crawler perspective D2 is the

This dudes reply didn't even deserve a response. The sad reality is, the majority of people who pirate spend more money on entertainment then those who don't.

Its entirely plausible that as a sorceress they could cast some sort of enchantment to enlarge their breasts. There. End.

Also, you came out insulting the dude in your last article, calling him a teenage boy and what not. There's critiquing and then there's being a douche bag - learn the difference.

Pft. Most people who'd benefit from this extra cardio would never fit in that hoop.

Wait what? People don't like wearing belts? I thought those types of people prefer their jeans to sag anyway!

Unfortunately I don't watch Dr. Who. Never been a fan.

So, you speak for all women now? And on top of that your only counter arguement was "go watch mad men" because mad men is the end all for men's fashion?