
What fake racism complaints are those? Searching only turns up her being falsely accused of saying the n-word.

I think I got about one minute into the show. Heard Shiva talk (he said something so cliche that I cringed), then saw Aphrodite depicted as having giant breasts supported by attendants. I rolled my eyes and shut it off. It’s not offensive, so much as it’s just low-effort.

Totally agree. I think it’s because sidescrollers have been around since nearly the dawn of gaming, pushing developers and designers to look for ways to reinvent and deliver something new in a format we’re all so used to seeing. 

Ok poke a little fun at Bill Gates the geek, sure, but to pretend the Gates Foundation does nothing is lazy writing.

This. Whatever he’s like personally, his foundation - which, Jesus, Jezebel, do some research before you casually dismiss the Gates Foundation - has done an incredible amount to transform living conditions in the developing world.

the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which does something I’m sure. I just couldn’t tell any of you what exactly.

It may be because I’m super-old, but one of the first things I remember about the Gates Foundation after it formed was all the mosquito netting it provided to countries in Africa and its dedication to family planning. This isn’t just another Bezos, folks, even if you do not like the man.

“Actually playing” is a nothing statement because what constitutes “actual play” varies from person to person. These runners have “actually played” OoT plenty. They know it backwards and forwards, far better than any of us.

Their answers . . . had a clear trend. Watch the video to find out.

Aye. She drew orange people you’d actually want to talk to, unlike the president.

Wheres the snowpiercer reference when you need it?

Gaul punches the levels right off of you.

My reaction to this is a big, fat MEH. FFXV was so underwhelming. Such wasted potential. What they should have done is focus on getting it right the first time by giving us a camera that worked properly, combat that didnt feel all over the place, a meaningful, well developed story with proper character development, a

I was hoping this involved lifting exercises using your kids as weights.

Empty your change from your pockets into a jar Every. Single. Night.

Lol what the fuck... ‘false advertisement’. Admit it, you didn’t like this episode because he shat on your favorite franchise.

Yeah, freezing is another effective method for sure. Ice box, freezer—heck, stand them on their head on some ice.

Walk outside unclothed, do people react or no?

I played Fire Emblem Awakening for dozens of hours. I cannot tell you what happened. I can, however, tell you the story of Donnel the farm worker.