
Hey egghead, sing "Fair Harvard!"


You can't tell me what to quote! I've had it up to here with your "rules". I'm gonna go write that sitcom about the sassy robot.

He's part of Topshelf Records, the distributing company. He may have overreacted. I know I did.

We can't all be brand strategists.

But isn't a drunk, tweeking guinea pig typing medical advice on a keyboard fun to think about?

Way ahead of you, my rodent friend.

I have a headache. I'm gonna go lie down.

You piece of blech.


But they still have all your fucking money.

Oh my God. I can't believe it. I'm a father! I did it! My Boys can swim! I can do it! I can do it!

Pete and Repeat were on a schedule. Pete was cancelled after airing two episodes. Who was left?

Be careful. One time I was making some homemade Soylent Green and it was Almost Human enough, but then I added more than I was supposed to and it became Too Human. No one wants that.

"Overbearing Alaska", one of my least popular desserts. It's just…it's awful.

*FOX Network head drools on a big red button, renews The Simpsons for three more seasons*

I'm not sure about that. With previous seasons, the time between a script being submitted to the Copyright Office ( and actually being aired ranged from 14 to 18(!) months. Script submissions usually started around March and ended around November. With this season, the first submitted script

Roll a perception check to determine whether or not you get a load of the nerd.

Act Three

Act Two