
Nothing personal, she just fears the unfamiliar.

You're right, watching that trailer literally crunched my bones. Now I have to go to the hospital. Thanks a lot, A.V. Club.

Looking forward to 45 Years Week on the ol' A.V. Club.

Are you trying to tell me that online petitions and TV boycotts don't work?

More like Tesco PEE!


It's important to have sex with people before they go missing.

I'm so tired of all these Rose Wars.

P.S. Soma roxx

Yo Gamma Gamma!

Calling someone a sarcastic angry rude dipshit and a small person based on a poorly-formed joke, that's fine. That's how I greet my friends I don't have.

Okay then. I apologize for criticizing your joke. And also for insinuating that you were a time-bending hack comedian. And I was just mad that I was called a Sluggo.

If you're implying what I think you are, fuck you. You don't get to see the time phone.

A hack comedian from 2005 called, he wants his joke back.



The fire hydrants are yellow!

Cannibalizing pop culture? That's where I'm a viking!

*Looks at his Everett True / Sex Pistols mashup site, sheds a single tear*

FOX hardcore sex channel etc.