
As much as we like to rag on SNPP, sometimes they do provide useful information. The suspiciously named Roger Smith was invited to a table read and took down these notes, presumably between coke binges.




Those clowns in Congress did it again. What a bunch of clowns.

Liked for "SLURXMGULP"

Shit, you're right. Now I look like the bitchass.

What?! Now that Nathan Rabin is gone, who will ZMF call "bitchass?" Who will put the gay panic pills in the jellybean zeitgeist? Who will we lash out at in The Simpsons (Classic) reviews? What of donuts? What?!

"Impressive…new ensemble comedy The Big Wedding…benefits from an all-star cast,
which …run the gamut…Topher Grace holding onto his…fuzzy…virginity…handsome, confident…The Big Wedding rings…true.

I just blumed myself.


I guess the person who does all the firings will be a Vibe Raider. Get it? Because of the…thing…

I miss the Taco Bell Bell.

Finally, a chance for some new posting material that isn't just repurposed Simpsons quotes.

EDIT: Comment removed for being confusing and stupid.

Effervescent. I have no idea why.

These white slippers are albino African endangered rhino!

This thing is really getting out of hand.

What's the conversation rate on feet to shitty feet?