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My mom only drank Tab until she passed away in 2016. She always knew which stores had them. Made me very sentimental when they announced they were discontinuing Tab. If my mom were here she would be hoarding every Tab she could find!!

As long as Palmer candies aren’t discussed with the use of the word “chocolate” without the use of “flavored wax” right after it, I’m OK.

Bismarcks. The custard-filled, chocolate-topped raised donuts that come straight from the bosom of the Goddess of love and pleasure. 

deviled eggs - mmm, mmm, good. (They are made by the devil you know?)

That honorific belongs to Diet Rite Cola, which was launched in 1958 by Royal Crown Company.

We should, but we’re not. We’re just eliminating jobs. I hate Walmart with every fiber of my being, but they’re unstoppable, and in a many parts of this country where they’ve killed all other businesses, people are desperate for any jobs they’ll give them.

Depends on what hard liquor and mixers I have in the house.

My stuffed grape leaves would be good for that. I make a vegetarian version with pine nuts. There’s lots of chopping of onions and herbs, and also all the rolling.

I have a plant ID book that also lists some of the common medical and cultural uses of the plants. One some of them abortificant was listed as a use.

*anti-abortion fascists

Not really. Different people feel different ways about different things and your feelings should not play into my medical decisions.

scumbag motherfuckers

my witch’s garden is coming along, though more for my wife who is the hedge witch. it looks like i will need to add pennyroyal to the list, since we are just starting out. photo of my spring/ quarantine project below the garden list. :)

I’m sure there’s a probabilistic effect; maybe if you were a woman in the medieval ages regularly drinking pennyroyal tea might decrease the probability of conception enough that you would have 5 kids instead of 7 or something. If it was a specific pregnancy you were worried about, considering how dangerous

Yup. Big Pharma gets a lot of grief, but....their aim (in addition to “making a sh*t-ton of money”) is to produce and sell medications that have high purity levels and controllable dosages and reproducable effects in clinical trials. To do that, you have to make the active chemical pure, and then dilute it with

Thank you for this. The minority of predominantly republican religious extremists that would deny women the rights to their own bodies and decisions will never make abortion disappear, they will just criminalize it and make it unsafe. This will just lead to death and misery.

Now we deal with abortion fascists.

Thank you, I found that line a little terrifying too.
Medical science is a real science. There’s a lot that hasn’t been studied as much as it should be, particularly relating to women’s health, and the stamping out of midwifery did do a lot of damage to our knowledge. However, there is a difference between “x herb
