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I made the switch to ebooks after I realized how much space I was saving by getting rid of my CDs in favor of digital music.

If the content was what I treasured, rather than the carrying case for the content, why was I holding on to dozens of packing boxes full of books? (A question my wife had asked more than once.)


I’ve definitely ended relationships/friendships because the other person was a picky eater. Not in a mean way or anything. I really enjoy trying out new foods and experimenting. It’s what I like to do in my free time. If the other person doesn’t like doing that sort of thing, I’m generally not going to want to hang

Same!  The last guy I dated was a picky eater. That was near the top of the list of why it didn’t work out.

Parents definitely play a role. I was a picky eater as a kid, but eventually learned the lesson that whatever Mom made for dinner was what was available and no amount of bitching about it was going to get her to make something else. I either ate what she cooked or I went hungry. My Mom is a great home cook, it’s not

Oh God, what the hell?!

One of the top ones was an egg carton. that’s a good example of recycling something you’d normally just toss. Although I have to wonder how you’d sanitize it for food use.

drip coffee is also a fraction of the cost.

  1. Bulk Individual Coffee Pods (96-Count)

Kids do it, although I did have an adult co-worker once who said he made a gingerbread castle/sculpture every year as a family tradition. He talked it up a lot and made it sound fantastic. So I asked him to bring it in one year after the holiday season. It looked like it had been in a fire.

I used to do them, but it was kind of a love/hate thing as I am allergic to royal icing which I would use for the snow.

Santa is just Satan spelled wrong!

I’m more puzzled by the fact that Santa’s face is white but his dick is black. What the hell is that saying to our children?

Thanksgiving: My mom’s motto was, if I put the effort into making the big dinner, the least you can do is get dressed.

...comfy, forgiving fabrics. I’m talking enormous mock-neck sweaters with leggings and ski socks...

These plus candy canes always spelled ITS CHRISTMAS but no one with taste buds would even think of eating them. For display purposes only.

My mom always made a jello dish that was lime jello, cured, then topped with lime jello mixed with cream cheese, and then cured so that there were 2 distinct layers. I loved it as a kid, then decided I couldn’t stand it in my 20s and 30s. Now, I want that shit all the time. I must be craving collagen or bone marrow or

So many people with wrong opinions on food in the world.

I know there’s a lot of people on either side of the hot dog sandwich aisle but that poll is pretty lopsided.

There are many wrong people out there.
