nom de internets

Boston gets a bad rap for racial divisions, so it's refreshing to see them get on board with "hands up, don't shoot."

so the kid who stole the iPhone should have been let go but the gods who broke into this house should get the book thrown at them? Because they had the temerity to intrude on the wife and kids of a great outside shooter, but the fat kid with the phone stole it from a scumbag gentrifying hipster? Just checking so I can

For fuck snakes

You'd never know that before she became Miss Texas she was Miss Houston.

this isn't domestic violence

Probably the healthiest attitude.

The fact that your definition of "fight" is "throwing a snowglobe at a wall" is probably why you think you haven't fought more than once. I would call your behavior "abusive and bordering on insane." Tomato, tomahto...

Context? Dude, he's eating pussy!

My dad is the man.

Didn't Nike say they weren't going to use child labor?

You did? Where? All I see are a bunch of posts from someone who spends a lot of time on men's rights message boards and has convinced himself that he's intelligent, when in fact you are a stupid stupid person and have repeatedly shown an inability to apply critical thinking to a situation.

Now that I've seen the footage, 2 games seems about right.

A similar thing happened to a friend of mine. She was incarcerated for methamphetamine possession. While incarcerated she got into a bad scrap and had to have dental surgery because her teeth were so rotten. Her correctional officer a Mr. Healy was a real jerk and wrote in her case that she had "meth mouth". She's

You can't compare an adult to children unless you are trying to say adult women are as equally unable to control themselves as your children.

So it's just a coincidence that they're all black?

The Red Sox invited him to Fenway for a the last game of the regular season on September 28th, where (assuming he stays healthy) he'll see Derek Jeter play in the final game of his career.

Such a shame to see Blackmon throw his career away to drugs. Why couldn't he just beat his fiancée instead?