nom de internets

best I can do is war machine/more Vaseline...

everyone says hes a shitty shooter, but is capable of creating good shots for his teammates... that is the only talk I've ever heard about him, and he gets like twenty assists per game (at least 15) so, what are you talking about?

keep in mind, I'm speaking in generalizations... there are pussies (and tough athletes) everywhere.

in my experience, Mexican and central American physical play consisted of kicking the opponent in the ankles and shins. Much of continental Europe, it's just non existent... except in the Balkans and hockey countries. I really only respect the bigger body, muscle play... battling with upper body, of Ireland, Scotland,

I played goalkeeper for twenty years, I think everyone of those ankle grabbing, bad acting, prancing ninnies... are a bunch of pussies. The english premier league tends to have some toughness... but nobody from any latin country!

not really... I'm a soccer fan, (bigger football fan) and I know exactly what he's talking about!

I love soccer, played for twenty-five years, coach my sons u8 team... that said, pro soccer players are giant pussies, and who cares what they think? (I really am rooting for mike sam, I hope someone picks him up as a specialist!)

I don't think he was saying he was a distraction... what do you mean "productive preseason"? He had like, three tackles! I was rooting for him, but you are just another one of those politicizing idiots, making it about the haters. I'd love to hear your musings on nickel vs dime defense, and how mike sam fits into the

the sourdough bread bowl with clam chowder is really just the same thing... only the woman has a yeast infection.

you must be... just, the worst.

are you serious? The author got all snarky about the same thing... and then proceeded to absolutely mangle the English language! He even managed to misspell the two letter initials for the supposed offender of poor writing, "ub"? it's "ud"... if you're too lazy and stupid to type, "urban dictionary"!!!!

she's actually their top prospect...

this was the Astros right? I heard they signed her to a five year deal.

of course it's fun... pinatas are supposed to be fun. If she didn't want to get bashed, she probably shouldn't have worn a giant paper machet donky pinata. It's just lucky for.her that was the Emmys, and not some L.A. area quincinera.

doo dooooo da doo do...dat doo dat doo... MANAMANA!!!!

I just was wondering if it was Williams orMamet... bringing up the rear of that two person donkey pinata costume?

I was being facetious, and bitchy... but I regret that now, and thank you for the most levelheaded, non-pc sophomore at Wesleyan, non-combative response I could have ever hoped and dreamed for. I actually intended to do a bit of trolling, but actually see the subtle nuances meant by "rape culture" a little better...

I'm glad you agree that we don't live in a rape-centric culture. Some people will take what they want, if they believe there will be no consequence... others say, "fuck the consequences, I'm getting what I want!". I think.that the men I.know understand that rape is a crime, and that they would go to jail and be

an old friend from school posted a sad comment on Facebook of frustration with this current environment. He's now the football coach, but I remember playing with him as kids, his dad was a big bear of a guy, and a state trooper. My friend was wondering out loud about all the popo violence, he said, "in twenty years,

those things are evidence of crime/criminals and frightened potential victims. That is all.