nom de internets

terrible comparison. I have broken many fingers, toes, ribs, and my nose and wrist mid competition. Not one of those injuries brought me to a dead stop and unable to continue, quite like serious cramping. Your muscles just don't respond. You are an obvious armchair quarterback if you can't see that. Your place has

if you bothered to read the article, you would know that Tony Parker is a little french sissy, and tim duncan is actualy two midgets in a suit!

what do you have against the good people of ulaanbaatar?... ya fuckin retard. (It's not nice to say mongoloid either)

so could spain, italy, mexico, Brazil, Canada, south Korea, Japan, china, south Africa, maybe a few other countries with a network of stadiums and other resources, could definitely pull it off in four years... never mind eight.

'This story only tells of the lack of depth on the women's tour. Tiger woods wasn't good enough to make the mens cut until he was an adult... and everyone still ohh'd and ahh'd that someone just off the Stanford team could compete professionally.

make that pic into an APB on the filing of a frivolous lawsuit against the other immature qb!


you are so dense. Everyone else is joking around, and you put more effort into rebuking a childish prank than the perpetrator put into writing and filing the fake suit... change your screen name to "buzzkillington" this minute!

the competition level of the lpga must be terrible for multiple prepubescent children to make the cuts. End of story.

it cost the red sox the 75 world series, and ted Williams ran after one in an all-star game, left the batters box to swing at it in the infield, hit it out of the park... so yeah, you're right, thats two stories more interesting than yu darvishs pitch! Google it.

they showed a frickin video of the dam thing!

Johnny football.

did you try running, "mutha"?

try punter.

are there ten times more white quarterbacks and kickers than black quarterbacks? Cause I dont think anybody has ever written about the poise of a cornerback, wide receiver, defensive lineman, running back, linebacker, safety, tight end, or o lineman.

this chart is kind of meaningless without a little more specifications... I'd like to see position included. Are the qb's and o-line guys getting tagged as intelligent? Cause they usually are.

not a very good call.

are you going to "rack him". Whatever, unless you are jim rome you are a complete loser quoting the douchiest bro-bag on the planet. If you are jim rome... fuck you.

jim Brown created nambla?!?!

women's basketball grosses over a billion a year for ncaa d1 in tv and ticket sales.