nom de internets

The whole slate of bud light crap sounds awful. I would not want to participate. NYC on the other hand should shut the fuck up and enjoy the fact that the fucking super bowl is coming. Seriously, its the only fucking city in the world that would cry about the super bowl... anybody taking issue with that should get

I know right!!! 90% of all jeopardy contests are horribly boring... this leads me to believe you are lying about nanna's intelligence, or she is the most boring person in the world... which would kind of be a claim to fame, which would make her interesting and not boring! Sooo, she probably didn't do well enough on

Small ball? Maybe smaller ball.

It totally stings, right thru my heart...

How about, "unexpected turn around performance by a garbage team attributed to experienced coach and solid qb ends in the wildcard round against a division champion".

There is a good chance all of the parties involved were "educated", and received actual four year degrees from these two ivory towers of reason and tradition.

Also used three years and covered in mud.

I'm with you in spirit, but the gawker in me is compelled to point out the hilarious awkwardness of your whethering comment and it's proximity to the phrase, "non sequitur".

They all rounded each other up at different times.

Probably similar. I wasn't thinking about Australia or southern hemisphere.... as I understand it, Pacific oysters are a very different animal than the European/New England oyster of culinary fame. Pearl oysters of indian/Pacific ocean are different, is that what you eat on the half shell in Australia? Either way, I'm

Tropical oysters are terrible. Maine oysters.are among the best. Pacific oysters aren't oysters.

I found.her nostalgia for the air travel days of yore a bit ridiculous. As you said, you fly first class. That thousand dollars for a faster, safer flight is actually cheaper than the fares of the 50/60s. It sucks to be a social pariah if thats how she feels... but people treated other people just as shitty fifty

Millions of people work on Saturday. Fewer on sunday, sorry if you feel that you can only get drunk, rather than shitfaced blackout drunk on a sunday nite.

You don't see how it helps, is what you mean to say. I'm starting to regret hiring you to design my private navy's aircraft carrier.

It's afucking wwi dreadnaught compared to our naval technology. Why the other poster chose to show a picture of artillery to demonstrate our nation's superiority in military capabilities is a mystery to me... but our airfare and navy can destroy virtually anything, anywere at a moment's notice.

Isn't that how everyone on jezebel always feels?...

You make some good points, but missed the point. Navies are for conquering, laying seige, and landing armies. Jets and cruise missiles don't do that and never will. Aircraft carriers are protection for the rest of the fleet... if they are so easy to sink, than why has no one sunk an American one in like 70 years?

Not saying I love or hate 8, but as a goal keeper, I can't understand giving up on a play like that. He, like all predatory pure goal scorers are prima donnas. I've played with many of them, and am happy to have them. It doesn't fucking matter if you quickly crunched some numbers and decided you would make it to the

I hope your mom gets up in the middle of the night for a glass of water and stubs her toe on some furniture that she forgot she moved slightly after reading the fung sui book I got her for her birthday!!!

You should totally do that!