Funniest thing I've seen all week.
Funniest thing I've seen all week.
I'm a moron with no sense of humour", says you.
They were the Trojans... they were alert to it while they were making the sign (still more clever than the sign...+1)
They've blown more leads than Lindsey Lohan auditioning for oceans 13... (not really, I just wanted to use the line)
If you mean a dolphin that you watched the color drain away before your eyes after you stabbed it through the head with a gaff of the coast of all means. If you are thinking, "I buy dolphin safe tuna! I don't know what he means. I'm wondering about these frozen mahi~mahi fillets I got at Trader Joe's?"...…
Here on the Maine coast, haddock is only suitable for fertilizer and making fish sandwiches for tourists. Fresh and only fresh cod makes for the best fried fish. Please tell people to eat the fish that they can obtain fresh were they are... that way fewer people would say they don't like fish because of the fishy…
Cowboy fan? Seriously, the info I most want to know about this truly insane clown, isn't if or when he'll be arrested... but what team he went to the mat for?
And a filthy browser history to match.
I think the trick is the act. The customer is the john. Sometimes the john is referred to as the trick, but only as a way to dehumanize them to protect the sanity of the prostitute. Either way, all this vitriol for a non event tells me, people be jealous of either the rich kid or the attractive woman.
Congrats on keeping a level head. I'm a little sorry for making that leap... I had no reason to think it was true, I just felt that if it was accurate, and you weren't just a whiney little bitch (who stopped talking to her flesh and blood for anything short of rape or murder), then I would be able to goad you into…
I can see why it was so hard to cut your sexually abusive father out of your life... you were unable to ignore a post in which your response was to say, "look how well we can ignore you!":-)
No, still bored. Carry on.
Two out of three ain't bad...
Nahh, nostalgia just isn't what it used to be...
What exactly do you think south America is? Or did you mean south(ern) America... Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Texas...
....I feel enough time has passed for the gullible to freak out wondering if all guys tape one night stands. Maybe? Some... most?
Your shit gets dumped in the ocean like everyone else's. Clothes don't actually say very much about a person no matter what the sales girl at Bloomingdale told you. Carry on banging drug addict hobos for safety reasons.
Probibly recorded oral with cellphone.
Or sell it.