
Appreciate you illustrating my point.

Whoa, save your A-material for Seth Meyers, Buddy.

I thought the term used to be “Twin Movies,” oh well. They always gotta change shit.

Exactly why Down was shit. You always want to have Foxx doing the acting and Tatum doing the prop’ing, hopefully in silence. They did the opposite.

Olympus was the one with the outstandingly shittastic $200 (est.) CGI airplane in it, right? Oof, reserve some of your budget, aspiring Film Directors.

The movie where a jet fighter defied all laws of physics to take a bullet missile for the president...’s plane. So stupidly brilliant, or so brilliantly stupid?

Quite the ableist response. Perhaps you should be held to that in your personal and professional lives and have your entire career derailed for it. Maybe no one ever speak about you again without recalling what an asshole you were for that.

I know you’re a person of belief as opposed to someone who relies on facts and evidence and considering all sides. This was my entire point.

Again I want to thank people like you who are providing perfect examples of how tremendously shitty the state of comedy would be if it was in the hands of Louis’ social media critics.

that’s why so many former fans are still angry and disappointed

Why would he start now?

It’s a news story, dumbshit.

Someone with the unearned confidence to believe they’re funnier than the professional?

The irony is that the AVC writers, and people like you, seem to think about Louis a lot.

Everyone who disagrees with my perspective is a serial Rapist.

Proving that most of Louis’ critics have zero comedic talent, I see. Quite efficient work, there.

Who amongst us was there for these alleged events and is therefore in a position to speak with certainty and nuance about what occurred?

Everyone who disagrees with me is a serial rapist.

Perhaps you should watch the special and hear his version and return to the discussion with more information.

Just finished it and it’s fuckin’ great. If you like Louis (but not as much as ol’ Billy H. here does, right?) it’s fantastic. It’s also fantastic work if you hate Louis despite never having met him, even if you won’t acknowledge it.