
That shit's so fucking passive aggressive and hurtful. If you're going to do it, at least have the decency to tell them why you're cutting them off or just slowly fade away. And if they start drama, just say that you needed a break and couldn't handle it emotionally and they'll make themselves look like assholes.

I've had this done to me, and it's the worst, most painful thing to experience. It hurts, and it drags out the "friend breakup" much longer than it needs to.

FWIW, I'm sorry you have to deal with that crap. Guys have this idea that a woman can get a date any time, just by saying "yes" to the next guy that asks. But stories like yours point out that women have problems in the dating world, too.

I'm glad I could help. I can only hope my life serves as a warning to others, a tale of medocrity and middle-roadedness.

If you're in the Toronto area, I can give you a 100% guarantee that *I* would not only touch you with a 10 foot pole (after I get it out of storage), but I'll even shake your hand and say hello... provided your hand is reasonably clean and isn't covered in shit or looks like it's about to fall off due to leprosy or

yes, obviously the entire world hates you or ignores you. you know this, because you can easily tell what "everyone" is thinking about you at all times. the fact that you think this, has nothing to do with your self esteem, and has everything to do with what everyone else is thinking. people just naturally don't like

You know, I was going to come here and say what others in this thread have been saying: you seem extremely unhappy, definitely depressed, and certainly in need of some professional help. But I'm not going to because you seem absolutely unwilling to listen to any such advice, but more than happy to keep throwing

As long as you are completely honest about exactly what you are looking for (one night only, once a week, once a month, regular sex until you both decide to end it) and that is what your casual partner is looking for as well, you're not being a jerk. The problem is that there are a lot of guys who ARE jerks, and

if you don't like yourself, it's really hard to sell other people on the idea.

There Is Nothing Wrong With You. It's a book by Cheri Huber that is self-help/Buddhism that was super helpful to me when I was dumped from the only guy who ever dated me. I was hot when we started dating but over the next 9 years I gained weight, got hairy, got bad skin (all resulting from PCOS) and then found out I

I wouldn't say that men who can't get girlfriends are unlovable. I'd say that men who have misogynistic attitudes towards women and think that they shouldn't have to back off when a woman says 'no' do not deserve love, but I also think that they are capable of redemption.

A buddy of mine spent $100.00 on an audio book called Double Your Dating ( I think it may be called something equally retarded) and went to some seminar for it. Anyway, he made me listen to it because I was a "lonely loser like him" because I was 21 and single. It was so very freaking creepy and I tried to humor him

Well, no. At least, I don't think so. There was a time in my life when I wasn't interested in serious commitment, just wanted to have fun, flirt, and get laid. I tried to be as straight forward as possible with my playmates about this, but sometimes guys still got a little hurt...and it's never fun when people get

I thought they were both chowing on gluten pasta so that's not true? And if it is, yeah he obviously didn't know that. This all boils down to, fuck weddings. Marriage is a personal thing, the older I get the worse I think weddings are

You're all focusing on the fluff part of it. The basket had a lot of other shit in there too, probably gourmet shit at that. And seriously, fuck people for getting mad about fluff. I love me some fluff.

Foodie 8-year-olds are the worst kids on the playgrounds. Always turning off Radio Disney in favor of the Splendid Table. To make matters worse, their Cookie Monster requests biscotti.

Weddings are to make money for your future.

BART has their own police force that are supposed to be stationed at pretty much all of these stops, dedicated to dealing with exactly this. The response time is not good. Not for that station. I think you can literally see the police station from the stop, if ancient memory serves.

the Christian Fundamentalist's syllogism:

Well, the suicides and the homosexuals are housed at different sections of the Seventh Ring of Hell.