
I love me some good journalism. Truly great work. Thanks for sharing this heartbreaking story.

Wow, what a dick.

I was expecting that. I may or may not know someone that this happened to. The relationship survived. He was a keeper.

I do read her horoscopes every month. They are never right, but I read them anyway. I'm not one of the people who complains because they are FREE and they are entertainment. I do roll my eyes every month when she is "late" again.

Wow. Just wow.

Shouldn't your child be in his or her car seat in a seat on the plain?

"I'm not a racist"

I want her to bake me some cookies.

She's very charming!

Wait, how can you tell that everyone here is white and whinny?

Somebody wants to be sued! Seriously, this lawsuit is just silly. I've been injured by YMCA classes and by Cardio Kickboxing classes and even in Yoga class. It doesn't make them bad. Some of us are just more prone to overdoing things and not knowing our own limits.

Reminds me of the time I caught a certain 13 year old child, not naming any names, surfing porn sites. In fact, it's almost exactly the same conversation.

Doesn't this photo violate some kind of Amazon patent?

I think that it makes sense. My neighbors kid was sent off to an expensive College and spent the entire year skipping classes and ended up being expelled. They had no clue.

I'm pretty sure that it's the same in NY. At least it was when I was a kid. Also, we could get free birth control & free gynecological exams from a local non profit with no concerns about privacy violations. My Mother always knew everything that was going on with me anyway but not everyone has a Mother like mine.

Ha ha. Yes, just so. Actually "Our Whole Lives". I wish that it had been around when I was a kid. United Church of Christ and the Unitarian Church integrate the program into religious education. There was a point in time when it was being done outside of any church setting and it caused a

I put both of my kids through OWL. It was, without a doubt, one of my brighter moves.

Every woman should read "The Gift of Fear"!

I've seen my cat do exactly what that cat did, many times. It was a pounce bounce.

Oh good lord allmighty.