Say What The Eff?
Say What The Eff?
When I was a kid, I had an uncle who was a few years older than I was who was a heroin addict. That was enough to keep me away from heroin, particularly since he made me promise to stay away from the stuff. I kept my own pretty tame drug use secret from my kids until they were adults. What I did do was expose them to…
The people most likely to criticize parents with children who are behaving badly probably do not have children. I do agree with those below who suggest that WHEN your children behave badly, you should leave the restaurant.
My best friend in the world is an ex. I was also very close with the love of my life who passed away. It helps if you get involved with people that you genuinely like and who genuinely like you.
"Even my vagina was bored with him" +1
I disagree. While it is a hard song to sing, it's the trying and succeeding that makes it special and this is what we were applauding yesterday. She was, we thought, spectacular. She is, we now know, a fraud.
Antihistamines may solve the problem for a little while but they are just not safe to take long term.
Ear plugs? Definately follow the advice to get him to the doctore. You are going to need that sleep so much more than you do right now. This is serious. You must deal with it now. If he has trouble understanding why you move out of the bed, you should record his snoring one night and let him listen to it.
Poor kid. I doubt that he was in on it.
She doesn't sound very likable. I would probably hate her if I knew her but I feel sorry for her. She never had a chance with that set of parents that she got. I sure hope that " the shovel and dirt that will bury her for good." is not prophetic. It seems like a poor choice of words when you are watching such an…
Lucky you! I could tell you some stories...
Most men don't know what they are doing. It's good to learn your own body and what works for you...and you are perfectly free to touch yourself in a way that pleases you during sex. Most men wont mind at all...I mean they really don't mind. If you have trouble with masturbation why not hit up Babeland or something?…
Probably not a lot of activity because backpackers & hardcore travelers have absolutely no trouble meeting other people. This is pretty much of a dead end.
Yeah but you are still a troll.
warpatrol is a troll. Great post anyway!
Oh dear. You must go to the dentist. Find a female dentist and have someone go with you.
Ah, satire! I love satire.
Yes! This article has really clarified what has been bugging me over the past few days and your comment nails it right on the head. Thank you.
I didn't watch the speech either & had no interest in doing so but I certainly wasn't heartless enough to complain about it. It's just another example of how much people suck.