
You would have to be mentally ill do to something like this but yeah, I assume selfishness too. Insanity is only a defense when you don't realize that it's wrong. This woman knew it was wrong, as you can see by her facebook post.

From these excerpts you would almost think that before modern day feminism (1) There was no sexual harassment (of course there was), (2) Mothers didn't work (they did, sometimes 6 or 7 days a week in factories), (3) There was no porn (Playboy preceded the modern Women's movement and may have even contributed to it AND

Hell yes.

Hell yes.

Sounds to me as though she was harassed out of her job.

How long has he known that he is gay? No insult to gay people meant, but really. I couldn't get past the line where he said that spending time with children is what makes women happy. It brings back memories about how much my Mother, who eventually became a feminist, hated being just a Mother and how miserably unhappy

A teenager under the age of consent can NOT sign a legal contract. If they do, they can't be held to it. This worked out really well for me when, back in the day, I signed up for a record club and was sent a free record every week. I legally did not have to pay for it. This would be true even if they didn't know how

Whoa. Although you are 100% correct about the legality of the contract, you're not really a very nice person, are you?

This isn't a dating story but once I invited a Republican to dinner with my family for my birthday. Before we went to dinner, I politely asked my Mother not to talk about politics. She didn't talk about politics but she did go off on a rant about Republicans. My advice is to talk to him and to be specific about the

That's lawyers for you. Beating yourself up over attracting someone who would lie to you and cheat on you is a waste of the kind of energy that should be focussed on your ex (in a perfectly legal manner of course) and in this case his lawyer.

You are right. I suspect that she wouldn't have looked through his texts if she hadn't already suspected something.

It's good luck to be jumped on by a wild dolphin, not so good if it's captive.

She can't be a college student. How would someone that stupid get into college?

That just goes to show how much I know about New Hampshire!

I'm pretty sure that Lexington and Concord are in Massachusetts. Even if you don't know much about history, there's your tip-off, right there.

I look back on pictures of myself when I was in my 20's and quite a few pounds lighter. I always thought that I was fat and ugly. I wasted years of my life feeling that way and worrying about how I looked. I spent too much time not enjoying my body.

People, there is no excuse for giving up sex! Well, there are some but this in't one of them. If your chosen partner doesn't find you desirable, you're probably with the wrong person.

I have a pretty awesome very pregnant next door neighbor had loud moaning sex all night long with someone not her husband, causing me to complain to the landlord which resulted in consequent domestic abuse/arrest/divorce/thank god you people moved out story but that's nothing. Really.

Why read it then?

I don't buy the frat boy caricature at all. I really like alpha males, I'm attracted to the guys who are confident and in charge, not drunken frat boy jerks that are often mistaken for men...and I ain't no wilting flower myself.