
It’s not that hard.

Native to Western Oregon here which happens to be one of the rainiest zones in the country. It’s pretty easy to drive in heavy rain if you stay on top of just a few things.

Pro Tip: Put the top up.

Just buy a tesla and do crossword puzzles while it drives you home.

But the sticker doesn’t say ‘fascist’; it says ‘crazy’. The cave rescue was, IMO, the final straw that tipped him from eccentric to tissue-paper-box-slippers

I think the article is a bit unkind to people with these stickers. There’s a difference between a CEO not being great on a personal level and the CEO being a Nazi hell-bent on destroying a free and democratic state. If we could only buy cars from CEOs where were great people, there wouldn’t be much to buy.

Using “cars” as stand in for all passenger vehicles here, I assume.

I believe they are mainly referring to SUV’s and trucks.

Right? I think they buried the lede with that article title. 25,000 makes it sound like kind of a long time, but 2 years? That’s nothing.

2 years / 25k is actually way shorter than I thought it was.

Glad to know that there is some actual hard data now. Of course, people who make that kind of bad-faith argument against EV’s wouldn’t actually pay attention to it anyway, but still...

Why don’t y’all just do a feature called “Ask a Trucker”? I’m sure I’m not the only one on here who drives commercial truck for a living; I’m also a driver trainer. 

Thank you for this.

Now playing

Really fucking pisses me off reading this comment section of people going

I love it when that happens. “Hey, the roads are bad. So everyone get out there and drive home.”

I am certain that curtain airbags, crumple zones and a whole host of other built in safety equipment saved more than a few lives here.

It's not just lack of driving experience. Most southern cities literally don't have salt stockpiled. You get a bit of sand. I'd say many northerners would be clueless driving on unsalted roads.

people in warm climates forget that tire tread is useful. I keep seeing completely bald tires on cars in Florida. is Texas any better?

they messaged us twice telling us to come in at normal time in temple tx. then after making me get the fuck up at 530 so i could get there on time with the weather they let me work 2 hours before sending me home because the roads were bad. mfs couldve let me stay under my comforter and be happy.

Would the accidents have occurred had the roads not been icy?