
This is actually quite dumb. There is nothing dated about a functioning 1080p display. We’ve had the tech for a very long time, and OLED is likely to be the standard for likely another decade. There’s no reason why cheap cars can’t have a barebones infotainment system with a good display and phone integration. The

Another tip: make sure your cabin is as quiet as possible so you can hear the tires and snow that you’re driving over. Blast the heat for a bit then keep the fanspeed low, and avoid listening to music if possible. You have be able to hear when the car loses traction and when the wheels slip as you drive.

In reviews, when they call every car good, or report on something really stupid like touch screen climate controls, say they’re mildly annoying and quickly move on, not realizing that anyone that buys said car will be stuck with its inconveniences and bad design for years on end, every single day. Car reviewers need

Please dial back on the useless tech for production Honda. Its the most important thing they're doing right now and I don't want them to screw that up like VW did. There's no reason for them to. 

That’s literally not true lmfao. Its only a couple inches longer than the previous civic and even the one before. The accord has been longer than 193" and wider than 73" since 2008. 

What on god's earth are you driving that 75mph feels stressful to you? And how exactly will a 55mph speed limit prevent people from driving like jackasses? 

No it won’t. Who will be nostalgiafor this? Its out of reach for most people and has gotten loads of negative reviews. At least the Cayenne was a good car, and led the way for Porsche to keep making cool shit, so it has a solid legacy?

This is the worst piece of information I have received all month

Unrelated, but I find you guys adding reviews from a different channel for each car really awesome. Idk why, just cool to give lots of channels a shout-out

I’m not denying that EV’s are the future or that the tech is improving. But god damn it, it really isn’t feasible to look for charging stations in many suburbs (including mine which is riddled with Teslas), particularly if you’re a busy person. You have to be incredibly out of touch to think otherwise. The single

But would you be ok with a 25mph box on wheels? 

I can get Mini cooper SE’s in my area for 15k. I can get a decent E-bike for $2k which can exceed these speeds. An electric Vespa is 8k. I’m not paying 12k for a glorified moped that I can’t transport outside of a city without a car transporter. 

So jealous. My Elantra N is lucky to average 25 on a tank.

EV tech isn’t remotely where it needs to be right now. As it stands, the greenest option for someone who can charge at home is a PHEV. Someone who can’t do that can’t live with an EV regardless. Plus, the emissions and difficulty behind EV battery production means we will need to damage the environment heavily in the

Really happy to see the increase in Hybrid adoption, and would love to see more hybrid options on the market until EV tech & infrastructure gets to where it needs to be. That should have been the strategy all along, instead of going head first into premature EV technology. Private transportation emission could be cut

So you don't target cars with expired tags, you target cars that sit around for a long time and not claimed by anyone. Hardly the same thing as this. The legality of someone's car is not your fucking business, unless there's a rocket attached to the back of one. 

Virtually every property that isn’t a fucking shack in my metro area and is within my budget is part of an HOA. I’d have to move out of state for that to not be the case, and even then I’m not sure where you can be safe from an HOA. And given that I’ve lived here my entire life and 97% of everybody I’ve ever known is

At first I though this was dumb because I was thinking of the Model 3, which had a pretty accessible lever pn each door. But now the Y has essentially in a secret location? What? The IIHS neets to ban this shit, preferably the entire Tesla company

All Ram trucks. Now that Ford is advertising with Pride ads, trumpanzees believe that Rams are the only true American truck maker.

You didn’t bring up the worst part. This engine in the 296 sounds pretty great. Not v12 great but easily the best v6 sound. All base-3 cylinder engines can have a howl if the exhaust is tuned. The 296 has it, so does the GT3. The turbo, M3, and this don’t.