
Activision are the publishers, Activision are also associated with Blizzard.

Years of PC experience to create a better port?

Blizzard is part of Activision guy..

Love how people pretending fighting games are a thing now just because nintendo made on

Hardly. The only stats that are better from her original form is her ult. Her matrix isn’t as wonky as the old version, but isn’t a stat change. Her guns never got a buff and then were nerfed into the ground. She originally started with 100 hp and 400 armor. She then got a tiny 100 hp buff to 200 hp. Then she was

I suggest they change it to:

Kotaku has never broken a Bethesda embargo. We were blacklisted for reporting on information that was leaked to us, not information that was under embargo. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about, so why even comment?

They do deserve the hate. In a game of counter picks, everyone will change heroes except Hanzo mains. SURE, they will tell you they will switch, and if they do at best they will switch to Widow. All they want to play is a sniper in a game of +20 heroes. They can be the greatest shot in the world, but 9/10 they are no

It does spades. Everyone should strive for excellence, that’s not a “white” value it’s a human value. Speaking properly without give-away intonations, expressions and speech patterns which allow people to automatically discriminate against you before they even see you is important. It will certainly get you

Wasn’t the new PS4, with its upgraded processing power, barely able to do VR? How is the Switch going to do it?

Wait, so they aren’t swastikas?

You are saying that as if the corporation cared about the guy. They gave him the things just as a PR move as the guy had gone public, nothing more.

People need to stop humanizing companies, corporations are not your friends.

That’s because you’re a tool. Bet that’s not the first time.

Seems like the Japanese are reluctant to be negative.

How is this DLC done right? The first batch of DLC, barring the new outfits, is basically what you would expect from a free update on most other games.

Can I get some of that crack your smoking?

All of those innovations with staying power are 20+ years old, but okay. And rumble is the only one that I would consider particularly gimmicky or risky, and even that didn’t fundamentally change the way you interact with a game. Furthermore, I struggle to believe that gaming would become stagnant without risks taken

“I don’t like it so no one else should either.”

Boruto should just suck it up, he could have worse fathers in anime, aka Shinji’s father from Evanglion etc.

Writing articles about relationships that will "haunt you forever" and saying of a person's revelations "And then there are the things that make you shudder," you're not exactly encouraging people who are attracted to family members to talk about their feelings.