Muriel Shabazz

Well Said, thank you!

Wait, Guyer said “ I intended to kill him “. How can you say she did not intend to kill him? She said she felt like a scared citizen, BUT she Killed like a highly trained police officer. She rendered NO CPR, used Precious minutes to call her married boyfriend, minutes that may have saved Jean’s life. She immediately

5 African American, 5 Asian, 2 white and 4 alternates. This is why Trump “stacking:” the court with racist, lying, prejudicial judges is so heinous!

I thought about that too. Good question. Even though white women tears have gotten Black men, women and children killed and them “off the hook”. They have gotten away with horrific lyin Emmett Till, Scottsboro,et al. Still, I believe the Judge closed any loopholes on this one and Amber should do some time.

I believe Judge Tammy was giving the jury as much instructions as possible hoping for this outcome. Remember Judge Tammy ruled some defense material “inadmissible”. Personally, I think Manslaughter was sufficient. Even though Amber did not give Botham any chance to live, no CPR,texting to cover her ass,etc.maximum is

Thank You for the Work you do With Black Lives Matter..Because They Do! I had so many hopes for Rahm Emanuel when he left the Obama Administration. What a DISAPPOINTMENT he has become! Hiding that video of LaQuan McDonald and the other Brother, that was Treacherous, Heartless and Cruel!

I say “ shoot back” Black folks! It’s called “ stand your ground”

If you really believe Trump does not know what’s in the Mueller report- I have some “swamp land” for you to buy! Trump was told the items that made him look good would be the first to come out and that the Democrats would have to “ Fight like Hell” to get the total report made public- Trump is A FUCKING DISGRACE and

Yes, add my name to that- Fuck Rahm Emmanuel, Donald Trump AKA Liar-In-Chief and ALL those who are outraged at a BS lie- Police LIE EVERY DAY AND KILL- where is the outrage?

I Like that IDEA! Well Said!

Well Said- The cycle of Trauma, Abuse- Hurt, etc can be Broken- It takes the “Willingness” not to repeat!

LeBron is More than an Athlete to me. Everything comes to an end- eventually- I hope LeBron will “leave” with the Dignified Legacy he has already compiled. I know little about basketball, BUT, it’s like Oprah did, “Leave Honorably”- LeBron has SO MUCH MORE to offer this Planet than being an Amazing Basketball Player-

That POS police officer was “ out of order” My response is to Loving- KNOW THAT YOU DO HAVE PROTECTION! IF you feel you have nothing to protect you, then you won’t. The real truth of the matter is that there is “ A Power and A Presence” that is with you ALL THE TIME! IT’s a Presence with many names. I use it ALL THE

I want to join the chorus “ Fuck that guy”- Knew what he was getting into and “ signed on the dotted line anyway”- Found out Trump was a mafia don, traitor and a lover of dictators- Never stood up to Trump- “ Fuck that guy”

A Nation of Thieves, Liars, Con Men- If this was white people severely affected- action would be taken. Don’t give me that “for the nation BS “.

Even if Jussie “did it” What about Ryan Lochte, the Olympic swimmer a few years ago who said Brazilians attacked him and robbed him? That was a “national case”.Then he admitted he lied. He’s on his way to The 2020 Olympics! What about all the other False claims of white women against Black men for rape,etc and never

This case has made me look at myself a little deeper. I wanted to believe Jussie. I know that worst things like this happen to Black and Brown people and Trump has assisted in showing the unjustified hatred white people have of Black and Brown people. I never believed him in the beginning BUT I wanted to! I kept

WOW! She is Absolutely Gorgeous! They were just freaking jealous! And if they were not, they just ought to be! Black People ARE THE BEST- The Makers, The Creators and The Owners of This Planet- Keep Going Black Folks! Our Day is HERE and No One can turn us around!

Kamala Harris did not support African Americans during her tenure as AG. She was a ruthless prosecutor, hurtful to the Black community and I understand she had an affair with Willie Brown while he was still married to a Black woman! Actually the article said she “flaunted” this affair. Don’t be fooled by her”recent”

Not to mention a white woman who historically have lied about Black men being aggressive towards them. here you have the symbolism of a white woman “ de flocking “ a Black man-Again! What a picture!