Muriel Shabazz

Power to The People is All I have to Say!” All Power to All The People. I just Love the Unity we have shown the World! Governor Abrams will be our Governor and no matter what Kemp does ‘ No weapon formed against me shall prosper “. Unknowingly Trump has allowed some of this “unity” to unfold. His

The real Gratitude I have is that this 14 year old child, whose entire life is ahead of him as a productive member of society was not killed. His life was not snuffed out by some ignorant ass white guy who still does not understand that this kid’s Ancestors made it possible for white folks to live as they do!

Wow! Great response. I too got an education on how to handle those white women/people that try to make their plight even close to what African American people have gone through.I AM healing from the fact that Black infant mortality during slavery was at an all time high because white women were beating the “half Black

White Businesses, white housing companies, white employment places, white people, white educational institutions etc.etc. do say it. They just say it differently e.g. MAGA, Make America Great Again and all the other “code words “ that everyone recognizes as meaning “white”. Get a life and stop being so sensitive. We

Is it important that The Preparatory school, Georgetown Prep, (that Kavanaugh attended) that this school, many decades ago was a slave holding institution? Georgetown appears to have been in dire financial straits and sold off some of its slaves in order to regain solvency. Any importance here? Just asking.

The police that brutally killed a tiny man named Freddie Gray in this same city!

The police that brutally killed a tiny man named Freddie Gray in this same city!