Muriel Shabazz

Trump did great things. He exposed the Corruption and Criminality of his Administration and America,(even more). He let whites who hate Blacks freely express themselves and we no longer have to guess if they have changed. Trump further emboldens police and Officer Derek Chauvin (George Floyd) was so bold he murdered a

Thank You Panama- at first I was delighted to hear this. I started calling people and bragging we gonna have our anthem at the NFL games. NAH, not a good idea!.. look at the reactions white folks will have. No, this will not change a damn thing! Leave our Anthem at OUR events and anywhere it will be appreciated and

Why don’t we quote the “Old Testament”? “An eye for an eye, a head for a head and a life for a life?”. Maybe we should adhere to this part of the bible that the white slave owner refused to let the slave know about. We are always the one offering Peace. They beat our asses with Billy clubs, water hoses and put big ass

If they did not plan to kill Arbery WHY a .357 MAGNUM AND A SHOTGUN! Why block the street? Who doesn’t go and look at places under construction? Many people do out of curiosity to what is being built? NO, “there is antiBlack violence BUT the root cause is the lethal notion white people have that they are still Black

This is a typical response of clueless white people. If only he had...No Ahmaud had no reason to stop. These guys are NOT the police. However, white people believe they are still Black people’s “overseers and white people believe they have an inherent authority” to demand we stop when they say, and that when white

white people..go talk to your people to stop Murdering and Criminalizing and Maligning Black and Brown people! We don’t need that sermon. There are MILLIONS of white people who advocate the “removal” of Black and Brown people. We cannot allow this to happen. We BUILT America! On the Economic Backs of our people. If we

The neighborhood can’t be “safe”. Ahmaud’s Murder proved that! “We Are NOT our Grand Parents” we MUST defend ourselves. We tried legislation, Education and“acting nice” BUT white people insist on Murdering Black and BRown people at record NUMBERS! What do you suggest? America is a VIOLENT Nation, “You sow the wind,

We must get the message out that the Power within you Creates Your life. What you Feel, think, say and do creates your experiences. Money is not the answer. Money is a manifestation of this Realization. “Happiness is the New Rich, Inner Peace is the New Success, Health is Wealth and Kindness is the New Cool”. Get with

Hell YES! I am still applauding! That coach is an a hole. No sensitivity. With all the images he could use, it’s just a coincidence he chooses a noose? An image that makes most African Americans cringe with disgust, fear, sorrow and grief? Get the f outta here. “None is so blind as he/she who WON’T See!

Great response. Yes check out The National Memorial in Montgomery Alabama where it is documented (even with the dirt) of over 4500 Black people hung! Yeah, we’re too sensitive! Not really! That coach knew EXACTLY what image to choose. You may choose to say we are too offended, well, that’s you. I am horrified at that

We women knit scarves, blankets, sweaters, baby booties and socks, etc. A noose? WTF? Gimme a frigging break! He knew exactly what he was doing. There were too many other images he could have chosen! Glad the athlete is “outta there” before he finds himself on the end of a “noose”

So True! It’s“Over time” for a Real Revolution that Malcolm referred to and consistently talked about. Those not attracted to the illusion of fame, wealth and status! Those that can tell each one of Us That “You Are the One you have Been Looking for”! Awaken and Activate the God  within which is Your Source, Supply

Thank You..Thank You..Thank YOU!

Trump has Not Turned the Republicans into anything. “The Presidency does not make you who you are, IT REVEALS WHO YOU ARE!”. Republicans were ALWAYS this way! Liars, Thieves, Corrupt and only for the Rich white minority! Check the history of Washington, Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Hardin, Tyler, et al. They ALL were

“History is Best Qualified to Reward Our Research”. “You don’t see them until Election Time. You can’t find them until Election Time” (Malcolm X). None of these candidates have done anything Substantial to rectify the HUGE Injustices done to Black and Brown People. It’s not about racism, it’s about a lack of care and

I LOVE the Movie Just was NOT Trash it showed the “Possibilities” of what could happen. Give us the opportunity to you have to trash it? Leave it the Fu** alone. Those who would like to “escape” LOVE It! Like you said it might never happen leaving the possibility it “could”. I Love the

She also had the semen of TWO men recently inside of her! Or was that “fake news”?

Trump has a job to do! Expose the Corruption and Heartlessness that has ALWAYS been America. She lies about being there for others. America is based on Lies, Murder and Corruption and Trump is exposing it ALL. Yes, I would like to see it done another way, BUT America Deserves Trump! This is NOT A Battle for The People

At least Bernie doesn’t disgrace and fire American Heroes like Vindman! Trump is a Fat, Ugly MF who is also a Liar, Thief and Crook! Fleecing the US Treasury as President Harding did. Stealing from his own Charity and the money designed for Vets. That Draft Dodging MF. A Continuation of the Same Corruption America has

Well Said. It was under this same flag that THOUSANDS of Black Folks were Raped, Lynched, Killed and their Rights taken away!