Muriel Shabazz

However it was done, the object was to humiliate her and they accomplished that and I applaud them for it! Well Done. Thank You

I agree! I do not like pranks either..but this was “genius” and I enjoyed reading Every word of how it happened!

Well, I salute those who “set her up” Well Done!

Not really. I am delighted that she was humiliated! Even though she got some attention, she looks to be completely stupid..which she is!

However they “fooled” her, she deserved it!

She is one Dumb “motherf!” is all I can say. She got what she deserved! No violence, just “good ole humiliation” what she delights in giving out to others! have it wrong. The “honoree” is the hate monger and she got what she delights in giving to others. No “turn the other cheek” philosophy here. Well Done!

This is better than any “violence” the so-called right always resorts to. Non- Violent humiliation! Well Done!

She used “Personal Insults” against Asians, Greta Thunberg and Muslims. “If you can’t stand the heat, stay the F... out the kitchen”. She deserved to be humiliated..and we both have “freedom of speech”..

Yes, let them R.I.P. without all this undue and unfounded comments.

It’s easy to say “could have, should have” Stop blaming Kobe, family and friends. Just allow them to R.I.P. without your thoughtless comments

It was a way to preserve his bad knees, legs, chronic agita, etc. That is one reason people Yell his name..Because he took care to maintain his “Instrument” (body) so he could play at maximum function. Don’t be a “Hater”

Thank You- Well said!

Not really. Not if she has gained something from that experience. Many “harsh” things that happen to us become “Blessings” in disguise. You my friend sound like a “hater” and should seek help!

Yeah, Kobe did some things I am sure he was not proud of. So have you and I. However, people change and we should not hold everyone prisoner to their sordid past, especially once they prove that they can change and provide some good. I believe Kobe has done that! How about you?

And as the Impeachment Trial of the Liar-In-Chief unfolds lets remember that he “grabs” women by the pussy. That’s “kinda” like rape that he admits to. Kobe was NEVER convicted of rape! Also Trump is a Thief and Conman. Just to make a point about those “living” whose deeds we “overlook”.

YES, Completely LIT!

Love this answer! Shut it Down! It will be the “Hit”So many people would try to get tickets for this! WOW! Let’s Do The Damn Thing!

There are ways to “lift each other up”. Diddy knew something was wrong but he “Choose” to do something different. It is our choices that create our circumstances. Diddy has the ability to transform his life, elevate himself from depression and stop allowing weak people around him to support him in his foolish

Diddy should acknowledge how terrible he felt about Kim Porter’s acknowledging how terrible he treated her when she was alive. Then cries “ I miss you so much baby”How can I go on? Well, you didn’t think about that when you were sleeping around with woman, after woman. You did not care about Kim’s feelings.