Thanks for reminding all of us that the Gawkerverse commenters are insufferable as fuck.
Thanks for reminding all of us that the Gawkerverse commenters are insufferable as fuck.
One day Westerners will learn that it is truly you who are oppressed by the sexualized clothing of your nations and depraved culture that you followed. More than any individual who has lived, our prophet (PBUH) had women's interests at heart when he spoke to the importance of modesty.
I cringe at this food waste.
You might have a point if action flicks starting men of color didn't routinely beat out action flicks with female leads, but they do, so yeah — you're full of shit as usual.
Not a MRA, sorry. I just hate stupid and intellectually lazy people, you included. It's apparent you didn't bother to READ the link you put up, or you'd see that it was the combination of the employee's PRIOR CONDUCT, which included actual sexual harassment, and the staring that justified the ruling. Come back to…
Oh yeah. I hear white feminists calling black feminists "combative" all the time...oh wait — I guess not, because that doesn't fucking happen.
This has to be legit — that channel retweets Russia Today.
Because it's all a complete lie and fabrication. Neither the aircraft nor this so-called "Buk" system actually exist.
All staged Western propaganda. Putin is a great and noble man, and so are all those who heed his call.
That...will end badly for them.
1) She definitely did NOT say anything of the sort. She used the woman's own descriptors.
Great call, brain-trust.
Hey Jezebel — better put a stop to this cultural appropriation, ASAP:…!
In the world of Jezebel, "guilty until proven innocent" reigns supreme. Lord help us if any of the nutbars posting here end up in a position of power in the real world.
You're joking, right? You reported someone for THAT? Last time I checked, we don't punish thought-crime in this country, and staring at someone isn't sexual harassment.
Implying that women have even a tenth of the arm hair to deal with that men have — well bless your heart.
Oh please — like you don't have any asshole friends?
You have small penis.
If it makes you feel any better, I would have pissed and/or came in your mouth instead of going to the bathroom.
Hey, brain-trust — the point ashleypants made was to counter the OP's supposition that the writer hadn't spent any time talking about misrepresentation or under-representation fo women in media.