Nolan Ryan Reynolds Wrap

I’m not sure the cancer cares what he wants to do. As Christopher Hitchens said, “there is no stage five.”

Bet Gord Downie is third (to name another person lost too soon to cancer).

He wouldn’t be so smart without all those CARDS!

If you need to get the music right for it to be successful, then it shouldn’t be an Olympic sport.

They didn’t even have the decency to write “BOO” on him and put a half-full bowl of candy at his feet while they waited for the coroner? Shameful.

Fat bottomed Guerreros, you make the rockin’ world go round!

As a wise man once said “Sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I won’t eat the filthy mutherfucker.”

“delicious-ass fucking meat”

Behold the power of the correctly-placed hyphen.