Nolan Ryan Reynolds Wrap


Does 1st have to be empty? What if there’s a guy on 1st, but sees the passed ball...can he take off for 2nd, and the batter can take 1st?

Only problem is that even if you have a great celebration, you come down from the high and realize that you’ve just wasted an hour and a half of your life playing soccer.

Counterpoint: almost all US airlines are shit, and Delta is among the worst. Not that there’s much difference (or competition) these days...but I fly somewhat regularly and if you talk to 50 people in an average airport, you will people that have had absolute horror story flights on Delta, American, United, Southwest,

“highwaters to show off the socks and shoes”

No one’s called me Obi-Bob Evans since, oh, before you were born...

I agree with most of what you said but flying is cheap as fuck. The average price of an airline ticket has gone up all of a dollar in 7 years. Flying still sucks ass but it is still insanely cheap given the alternatives.

I try not to get caught up in euphemism and pointless political wordplay/labelling but can we cut it out with “pro-abortion?” It’s a term made up by the other side as a way to demonize people who are simply pro-women’s rights. Absolutely no one is FOR abortions. (Well, probably Trump, as I imagine he’s paid for a

Counterpoint: telling other people that “punching down” is what bad comedians do is what bad comedians do. Everyone punches down.

If only there was a way to know his position on the if someone could invent some kind of...system. Nah, runners would never use a system like that, for global positioning? In order to track their progress while on a run? I can’t imagine we even have that technology, nor have we had it for years.

I have shared the pleasure with my children and grandchildren”

I’m very much of two minds when it comes to shit like this...initially when this started to be in the news, I was mostly in the “keep your eye on the ball” camp but naturally this can’t apply to everyone, ie. small children, old people, etc. Mind you I can’t think of too many activities where people bring little kids

While I’m sorry to hear about your health issues, and glad to hear that you’re doing better than most in dealing with them, that wasn’t even close to the point of my post. All I meant to say was that while you’re all high and mighty not buying things from Amazon, chances are you’re buying stuff from companies that are

Right wing idiots on immigration: Wall!

What about Quebec City? They already have a stadium with a roof that isn’t being used...

I’m not sure what it says about me, the universe, or anything that I’m being absolutely serious when I say I’m fairly certain that a double murderer and ex-athlete with absolutely no political qualifications or experience, who got caught shoplifting would more than likely be a better president than the current one.

Let me guess, you also don’t shop at Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Safeway, or buy anything from Kellogg’s, General Foods, Nabisco, Proctor and Gamble, you don’t own a TV, you make all your own clothes, grow all your own food, constructed your own fixed gear bike that is your only transportation, only listen to music

Let’s talk about the problem where it begins...who the fuck cranks out 2 autistic kids and says to themselves, “well, can’t be any more of that up there!” Taking care of 2 autistic kids wasn’t enough of a challenge I guess, better try for more. And what about the 2 normal kids? They’re not doing anything to help their

You may have been the only person in the history of the English language to use the term “wishing well shakedown.” Congratulations, good sir or madam. (I feel like a Kubiak-esque FivePoundSack is a guy’s name but who’s to say.)

The circle of committees is complete. I can’t wait till some office uses one of these batteries to power a projector at a meeting about whether they should keep the batteries.