Nolan Ryan Reynolds Wrap

Even more impressive when you consider the incredibly weak material.

So fully this. There is no surer sign that someone is just lazily clinging to their own generation than when you hear “music up to (whatever year they turned about 24 or so) was pretty good, but after that everything was shit.” No, dipshit, music didn’t change and get shitty, you did. Your friends started having kids,

At least it’s not Gabbo

So, assuming these events even happened (doubtful at best), this is what...comic book guy gets “revenge” on other comic book guy? The levels of lame are off the charts.

But what’s in the box?

Have definitely used this with great success with salmon, both as a searing “oil” as well as putting on a light layer before cooking if I’m using one of those metal fish racks. No sticking! And definitely does not taste of mayo in the least.

Ariana? Meh...I mean she can sing but that’s about it. Weezer, Aphex Twin, and Kacey Musgraves are the hits to me. The 1975 are pretty cool too I guess. Beyond that, it’s a who the fuck is that festival for the most part.

Diverse in the ways that 90% of the lineup is wildly overrated, sure.

Uh no it isn’t, nor has it ever been.

Uh no it isn’t, nor has it ever been.

Yeah definitely if you’ve got rendered fat or bacon grease, that’s an awesome way to go (though a little smokier...but I don’t mind). I happen to have induction burners on my stove so they can get up pretty damn hot so if I do find myself searing indoors they’re handy. Mostly though I’m outside doing it over charcoal.

Get yourself a cast iron pan and put it on the stove as high as it will go. Get your steak out of the SV, pat dry, add more salt and pepper if need be, and coat each side with a liberal but not crazy coat of a high smoke point oil (I like avocado). Slap it in the pan maybe 2 mins a side(ish, depends on your stove),

I agree it’s not the perfect method for everything (and almost certainly not steak, though I’ve had some decent steaks that way) but for stuff like short ribs and other cuts where smoke isn’t gonna be a big factor it’s pretty awesome. Plus it’s useful for other stuff too, I make egg bites and crap in mine all the time.

Was it only designed to last a couple of days so it wouldn’t have to work on Saturday?

God fucking christ I can’t stand the “offside by a mm” thing that we have now. It’s turning hockey into an NFL-esque “was he making a football move in this frame? what about the next frame? let’s watch this at 1/50 speed to see if he had control” scenario. If the guy who’s supposedly offside is going the opposite

+1 just for “Filed to: MAKE ROCKET GO NOW”

30 Helens agree: Mitch McConnell is a spineless, cowardly shitheel

I must admit I do love the Captain Obvious ads...the one where the family is at the hotel and there’s porn on their bill when they’re checking out was pretty great too.

Chud is an acronym?

Heck yes. I only just found out like 2 years ago he’s the voice of Rex Banner in the Beer Baron episode of The Simpsons, which made him even cooler than he already was in my brain.

This. Sports are entertainment and we’re not fighting the Kaiser or some stupid shit, national anthems should be reserved for events that concern the nation. Ditto for any horseshit military displays. The combination of bizarre, obligatory rah-rah flag worship while you’re paying 14 dollars for a beer and staring at