
I can’t recall which famous man it was that said his mother had brass ovaries, that seemed like the right balls to have.


Yeah, I feel like she was making a point of using the concept in a way that transcended gender boundaries or whatever... I don’t think I’m articulating this as well as I could.

I kind of feel thought that by taking that motif to the very limit, Lovato was illustrating how absurd and nonsensical it is? The reception sounds like it lined up with that.

I have told people that it is a perceptual distortion that takes the purpose out of even mundane things, i.e.: “pick up the spoon” “why”.

Depression isn’t feeling sad. It’s feeling that you’re in a black pit that wants to swallow you up.

As someone who has both serious mental health issues and serious financial issues, I feel the need to point out here that sure, being able to afford primo help is presumably better than trying to slog it out on your own, unassisted by professionals but it’s not as easy as hiring a housecleaner - presto! clean house!

I think her comments will go a long way to making people feel supported, and to erase some of the stigma around mental health issues like depression. You have to suffer from depression to really understand what it is. I always hear people ask “why is she depressed?” and “what happened?” and question someone’s

Wasn’t 2002 only a couple of years ago?!?!

I think she punched Alexander Skarsgard.

Celeste Barber does it again!

This image of Kasich reminds me of Principal Skinner for some reason.

Perhaps he’s seen too many episodes of Seinfeld.

She’s an in real life meme

I don’t think they’d say that since she’s, you know, dead?

Right? #goalsaf

They say that like it’s a bad thing?

looks like Ben’s got competition.

By unnecessary I’m saying (a) the Senate Judiciary Committee is the wrong place to adjudicate a sexual harassment complaint [which the incompetent/politically motivated Senators on both sides proved] and (b) the Senate Democrats had all the necessary grounds to reject his nomination but were too politically

I was in college when that shitshow went on. Anita Hill would have been unnecessary if the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee had had the guts to say “this is an unqualified, inexperienced, gives-no-answers-because-he’s-a-stealth-reactionary piece of crap, so no thanks” instead of trying to conduct a very untimely