
With the exception of utilities, ALL of these costs are a function of home values, so an apples to apples comparison would look at taxes and insurance relative to home values. This is why comparing raw costs in Atlanta vs. New York has little meaning when you consider the fact that average housing costs in New York

In places with extreme temperatures (e.g., Louisiana in the summer and Minnesota in the winter) HVAC costs alone can run you upwards of $200/month.

So are you also planning to roll to Telegraph Ave, the Harajuku District & UC Santa Cruz to confront other nonblack folks with locs & dreads? And if we’re going to play cultural appropriation police, we better be OK with Indian people confronting sisters in the street about rheir “temple hair” lace fronts & sew-ins.

Is there video/pictures of them on his property. All we have is his word & the sheriff spouting random, non-specific evidence (ie., trust me, I have a badge) that’s inconclusive. If “suspicion” is a good enough reason to fatally shoot an unarmed black man, then it should be good enough to at least arrest a white one.

Whatever. Nobody else seems to be up to the task of defending black children, and white juries seem to be OK with letting people kill them, so don’t think you can challenge any mother whose willing to do what the police & courts won’t.

To quote Biggie, I’d be “layin’ in the bushes, to light that ass up.” And I’d gladly take the charge.

These weren’t teens, they were kids. Calling them teens just allows some people to think of them as “almost adults” and justify crap like this.

No, it sounds like you’re filling in the blanks to justify ans adult beating on someone else’s kid until he knocked the kids teeth out.

Pretty sure the purchasers thought they could remove the flag after the sale. If the titel company failed to perform a title survey/review and note that the original parcel had been partitioned and piece of it sold off, then the owners can file an errors and omissions claim against them.

Newsflash: if interracial dating was the antidote to pervasive white racism towards blacks, the NFL would be a civil rights organiazation. If you’re dating a black woman, and have remained blind to or have refused to acknowledge white racism then you’re either delusional or willfully ignorant.

Unfortunately, as we learned in Louisiana after creating one of the largest (per capita) voucher programs in the country, almost all of the schools willing to accept vouchers are academically under-performing private and parochial schools that most people with the means to pay wouldn’t send their kids to, so the

I suspect the boy was dead when she left him in the car and probably wasn’t even in the backseat.

Alot of the facts in this story don’t add, so before y’all grab your ropes and torches, consider the following:

While I can’t speak for other schools, there’s no discrimination at Stanford’s “Black Bac” because 1) it’s hosted by the school’s Black Community Services Center, and 2) race is not a criteria for attending (black students attend with their white parents, roommates and best friends).

Stanford doesn’t have a “black graduation” per se; it has a pre-graduation celebration the night before called “Black Baccalaureate,” or “Black Bac” for short, where black students get celebrate their time at Stanford together, thank the black faculty and university staff who’ve helped and supported them, meet each

I find it odd that The Root chose to use a stock image of a white guy lasciviously groping a black woman who’s just standing there with a disinterested “Why am I here?” look to accompany this article, when the most likely “stealthing” scenario for a black woman would consensual sex with a black male partner? Are you

The big difference between that and stealthing is that both men and wonen have the means to manage their reproductivity, while only men control the means of protecting both from STDs during sexual intercourse.

And when is the last time an Asian woman spoke up about unarmed black men women and children getting killed by the police, or used their place in Silicon Valley to make sure that black engineers and scientists have more access to job opportunities there?