
Yes. Here in the US you also can’t donate if you’ve ever slept with a man who may have slept with other men, or (I think) if you’ve ever been to jail. I think.


You are most definitely wrong. Literally all of my clients go down on me. I can’t remember the last time one didn’t.

Non-clients do as well.

Woops, double post. Bears repeating though.

You and pretty much every sex worker ever

Uuuuuuuggggghhhhhhhhh groooooossssssssssssss

This is like nails against a chalkboard to the ears of hookers everywhere

I’ve never even heard of this show and I don’t plan to watch it, but l binge-watched Leah Remini’s thing on Scientology a few months ago and wow, that sure was...something.

I also never saw King of Queens, so I had no opinion of Remini beforehand. I do wish her the best, though. It seems Scientology is a pretty big

I would pay to read those stories. For real. If this is your super power, start a Patreon page because I will be your first patron.

I laughed so hard at this that 1) I really thought I might pee myself, and 2) I legit cried. And I still have tears. Greatest story ever told.

Holy shit, that is glorious

HOLY SHIT. I just spent like nearly 3 hours reading that. What the fuck...

  1. This is great. No child should go hungry, especially at school.

lol wow, is the beer-drinking cop (in uniform, no less) Obama’s fault??

Oh man, are you in for a treat.

Ahhhhh thanks, that makes so much more sense. I really was perplexed. I don’t know how I overlooked the link in 2nd paragraph. My bad.

Am I supposed to know what Cinefamily is? You’d think that would be explained in one of the first few paragraphs.

Oh come on. It’s still a product. They’re still teenagers.

“Woke” teenagers are still gonna be interested in teenage things, like finding a boyfriend/girlfriend, and I’d argue that a story about a Syrian teen finding a boyfriend is likely more accessible, effective, and appropriate for an audience of teen readers

Hahahahhahah that’s fucking terrible and so, so perfect.

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