
He also had a choice whether to do the interview at all. He should have said no, given the format of the show. I doubt they promised him they wouldn’t play clips and then sprung it on him. If they lied then they absolutely are the assholes here, but I doubt they did. I wish his agent would speak up and defend him if

Except he doesn’t flee when doing interviews with the likes of Colbert or the Jimmies where they not only show the audio, but also the visual of the clips, then Driver deconstructs it afterward. He was given the opportunity to remove his headphones. I think he didn’t like the clip (which is his team’s responsibility,

Hmmmm.  Every fucking show promoting an actor’s work, shows the actor’s film clip.  If he doesn’t like seeing himself, hearing himself, why did he chose a vocation in which that’s a critical part of promotion?  It’s a rather boring interview when the person you’re interviewing is upset because the interviewer is

It’s a normal part of a lot of formats including the late night talk show format that he’s done the rounds on, though. I wonder if this is the entire story.

Sorry, but Driver is totally in the wrong here.

It’s a radio interview and he’s promoting a film. Audio clips are the only thing Fresh Air can use to help him do his job while also doing theirs.

“Because I saw all the mistakes. The things that I wished I could change, but I couldn’t because it’s permanent,”

It’s a pretty standard actor-y thing to say, “I can’t stand to watch myself” or “I hate the sound of my own voice.” Jackson thinks that’s bullshit and I happen to agree. You might not agree and that’s fine because we’re not the same person.

I acknowledged my mistake and apologized. My mistake was about the content of Rebecca’s article, not about the facts of the case. I made a mistake that has nothing whatsoever to do with the substance of my argument and you're crowing about it as if it somehow invalidates my position. I think that is you deliberately

I’m not being obtuse at all. I missed where Rebecca acknowledged that the show offered Driver the chance to not listen to the clip. She showed me that she did include that acknowledgement. I apologized for my mistake. That’s it. None of it changes my point that his leaving the interview was unprofessional since he

It’s ACTING, not brain surgery. He needs a new career if he can’t hack hearing himself ACT during an interview to promote his ACTING.

He’s an actor who was there to promote his acting. Maybe he needs another career.

It’s not a false comparison because reciting specials and interacting with customers and delivering food is my whole job just like performing in front of a camera that is recording and then promoting those recorded performances is Driver’s whole job. It would be like if I took my waitressing job knowing that I have a

I’m not mean at all. That is a very rude thing to say.

It really irritates me that Rebecca left out the part where the Fresh Air producer said that they let Driver know in advance when the clip was coming up, prompted him to remove his headphones, and had the producer in New York (where Driver’s part of the conversation was recorded- Terry Gross records in Philadelphia)

Oh puh-leeze. I don’t like hearing the sound of my own voice reciting the specials over and over at my waitressing job but I get over it because I need to pay my bills and I definitely don’t make the kind of money Driver does. If he didn't want to do the interview circuit, he didn't have to be in a freaking Star Wars

Porn Directors aren’t sex workers. Neither are strip club, brothel, or happy ending massage parlour owners. People that write erotica aren’t sex workers either. Unless Bree Mills is getting buck naked on camera or doing some other form of sex work she is not a sex worker. Because of the content of the article I really

Oh please. This kind of exploitation and racism is not limited to sex work. Every form of work is selling your self worth, your personal value, and your body. Don’t shit on sex workers, shit on capitalism.

A person’s self-worth is not in any way related to their behavior regarding their sexuality. That attitude is deeply misogynistic. People who think sex workers all have low self-esteem enable those who exploit and mistreat them. They work extremely hard and are entitled to the same protections as any other worker. The

That's a really interesting point. Perhaps the push to nail down a gender-specific color theme had something to do with a longing to push against changing social mores that were just beginning to blur the lines.